Chapter 13 - Wrapped Around Her Little Finger

Start from the beginning

Dylan pulls out a chair for me to sit in before providing the clerk with the required information. An older lady enters the lobby with a wheelchair and approaches us, "Come on over and have a seat in the chair, darlin, and I'll wheel you back to Labor and Delivery," She instructs.

I get up from the chair in the lobby and sit in the wheelchair as she wheels me back with Dylan following close behind. Once we are wheeled into our room, I get up from the wheelchair and sit at the bedside as Dylan places the bag down before sitting in the chair across from me. The nurse comes into the room moments later to collect my vitals before helping me slip into a gown. She lays me back on the hospital bed to assess me to see how dilated I am. Last doctor's visit I had three days ago, I was 3 cm dilated, and 50% effaced, "Looks like 4 cm dilated. I'm going to get an IV in you and get your Pitocin started. We don't have to worry about breaking your water, so that's one less thing. Do you want an epidural?" she asks.

"Yes, please," I respond without hesitation.

Dylan snickers in the background. I already told him I was getting an epidural; it's not up for debate, but he didn't argue. He doesn't want to see me in pain anyway, "Okay, darlin, let me go get the supplies to start the IV. When was the last time you ate?"

"Oh, maybe around 7:00 pm."

"Good, just in case we have a change in plans and need to do a C-section. We don't have to worry," She responds before leaving the room.

I gaze out the window, checking out the view of the parking lot, "It's gonna be a long day, baby," I mumble.

He leans back in the chair, stretching his arms above his head as he closes his eyes. I can't help but marvel at the view. His fitted grey t-shirt, tight jeans, ball cap, and work boots scream sex appeal; I can't help but stare and think lustful thoughts about him. I look up to find him grinning ear to ear as he notices me checking him out like a piece of meat. I can feel my cheeks flush, and I immediately turn my head. I admit, this is an awkward time to be thinking dirty thoughts about my husband, but I'll be damned if he isn't the sexiest thing I have ever laid eyes on. He still makes me blush after all this time. The nurse re-enters the room, inserts the IV, and gets everything set up, "Okay, sugar, it's just a waiting game now. I'll come in periodically and check your cervix to see how dilated you are."

Later, they come to give me an epidural. The PCA is sitting in front of me, holding my hand to make sure that I don't move while the anesthesiologist sticks the needle in. I feel a small gush of water ooze from me as he begins, spilling out onto the floor in front of the PCA, which distracted me, "Oh my God, honey, I'm so sorry I'm gushing on you!" I cry out. My cheeks flush while the room erupts in laughter.

Thankfully, the epidural kicks in a bit later without complication. I can see the contractions on the monitor, but I can't feel them, so I lie back and relax. Dylan's Mom, Aunt Las, and Brie arrive once I'm dilated to 8 cm so they could all be present for the delivery. Dylan called my Mom earlier that morning so that she would have plenty of time to make travel arrangements. He told me she would be here this evening and that she was so excited she was crying. Mom and I made amends after I went home from the hospital after the accident a few months ago. It was nice to have her come around and accept everything because I deeply desired a healthy mother-daughter relationship with her. The hospital allowed Dylan, Brie, Aunt Las, and Nova in the room during the delivery.

After fourteen hours since our arrival at the hospital, the nurse checks my cervix for the final time, "It's time. Let me page the doctor on call," She says before leaving the room.

The doctor enters the room with the nurse moments later, "Okay, who's ready to have a baby?" he asks.

Raising my hand, I respond excitedly, "Me! Momma's ready!"

They lay me back as Dylan and Brie hold my hand on each side while Nova and Aunt Las hold my legs up.

With each contraction, I push with all my strength. It only takes thirty minutes of pushing until the doctor chimes in, "One more push and you'll be meeting your baby!"

So, I muster up all the strength I have left with the next contraction and push with all my might; I hear a gush of fluid as the doctor pulls the baby out, "It's a girl!" He calls out as he lays her on my chest.

The nurse quickly rushes over to vigorously rub her with a blanket while she's sprawled out on my chest, warming her and getting her stimulated to cry. Once I hear the sweetest sound in the world as my baby belts out a soft cry, tears well up in my eyes as everyone in the room whoops with excitement. Nova reaches up to hug and kiss Dylan, his eyes wet with tears. Aunt Las and Brie are next to me, admiring my beautiful and perfect baby girl. My entire body trembles as a result of the trauma of delivery; I find it difficult to hold her, so for her safety, I figured I'd better get someone's attention, "Can someone take her while I recover, please?"

The nurse runs over, lifting her with the blanket to carry her to the warmer, "Baby girl is 7lbs 8 oz and 19 inches long born at 7:05 pm," The nurse calls out.

The doctor works on delivering the placenta soon after. As he finishes, he congratulates us once more before he exits the room.

As I scan the room, I notice Dylan standing next to the warmer, admiring our baby as she wraps her hand around his finger. Listening to her cries, I can confirm she's got a strong set of lungs on her. Brie and Las come over to me, giving Dylan time to form a bond with the baby, "She's beautiful, Colie. You kids did good," Aunt Las says as she leans in to embrace me.

The nurse interrupts to massage my fundus a few times. It's an uncomfortable feeling; after what I went through with the delivery, not to mention, I was tired of being messed with, but I realize they must do this, so I don't pitch a fuss. The second nurse carries the baby out of the room to get her cleaned up. Dylan approaches me and plants a kiss on my forehead. His phone vibrates, so he reaches into his pocket, pulling it out; he looks down at me and says, "Be right back."

He strolls out of the room, returning moments later with my Mom, Dad, and brother following behind him. I'm so elated that they were able to be here for this. Mom reaches out her arms to me, sobbing as she walks over to the bed and embraces me. Dad pats Dylan on the back to congratulate him. My brother is taking pictures of me to poke fun. I throw my hands up to cover myself as the room roars with laughter. Some things never change.

Later, they assist me into the wheelchair and wheel me to a recovery room as everyone follows close behind. They bring my baby girl into my room once we arrive, and Dylan picks her up, cradling her in his arms, before bringing her over to me. She's the most beautiful baby I've ever laid eyes on. She's so precious with her little bonnet and jammies, sucking her fingers and making sweet baby noises, "What are you going to name her? You would never tell me before. Have you made up your mind yet?" Mom asks.

Dylan and I look at each other before answering, "Yep, her name is Georgia... Georgia May Hudson," I respond as I gently run my index finger down her cute little button nose. Nobody knew the symbolism in our name choice; we kept that a secret that only he and I shared. Georgia represented Dylan's crazy obsession with Georgia Peaches and me; May was to represent the month I arrived in Laurel. I arrived on the last day of May and never looked back. That's how we decided on the name Georgia May.

After everyone leaves the room, I attempt to breastfeed her. It takes some time to get her latched on, but we get there. The baby and I are doing great. We only stay overnight, and the next day we are released from the hospital.

Once we get home and get the baby settled, I'm exhausted. I attempt to rock Georgia to sleep as she fusses, but I can barely hold my eyes open. Dylan notices that I'm struggling and approaches me, "Baby, let me take over; you go to bed and get some rest. I'll wake you up when she's ready to feed."

He takes her from me, cradling her in his arms and kissing her on the forehead while I force myself up from the chair and head to bed. The look in his eyes as he gazes down at her tells me he's already wrapped around her little finger.

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