Chapter 3 - Trouble With a Capital T

Start from the beginning

I plop down next to Gran as Mariah continues painting her nails, trying to avoid making eye contact with me. It's probably for the best anyway. I imagine my head between her legs, eating the fuck out of that pussy. Damn, I bet her pussy tastes like a fine Georgia peach. Fuck me; I love peaches! I'd like to taste her peach.

I inspect every curve of her body. I notice how the fan rotating around the room blows her beautiful long blonde hair gently around her face, just enough for me to catch a whiff of her sweet scent. Her lips are soft looking and the perfect shade of pink. When she concentrates, I notice how she sticks out her tongue a little. It's so fucking cute I want to snatch her up and carry her out over my shoulder and fuck her into oblivion in the back of my truck. Her flannel shirt pairs perfectly with her skin tone and hair color. Her long lean legs are positioned apart, having her feet wrapped around the chair legs. She's wearing combat boots with maroon and black shoelaces. I like her style, she's a dime! Straight out of a magazine, son. I reach up to wipe the perspiration from my brow as I watch how her hand shakes ever so slightly as she runs the polish over Gran's nails. Yeah, I fucking pay attention that much. She's fucking gorgeous! Where have you been all my life, baby? Then I snap out of it as Gran smacks my arm, "Dylan, are you ignoring me? I'm talking to you! Boy, get your head out of the clouds!"

Mariah's eyes meet mine, and she begins to chuckle. Damn, her eyes are so beautiful; green with a brown spot in one eye that stands out. It demands attention, just like her; baby, you have my full attention, I clear my throat, "Oh, sorry, Gran, long week at work, I'm pretty tired. What were you saying?" I ask while staring a hole through Mariah.

Gran huffs, "Well, I was saying that maybe you wouldn't mind showing Mariah around town sometime. Your Mom invited her over for tea and pie. We can do what we can to make our guests feel at home, right?"

Mariah begins to fidget in her chair, "Oh Miss Norma, I'd hate to trouble, anyone. I'm only here for the summer; I start classes back in the fall."

Gran pats her arm, "Nonsense child, we would love to have you around as long as you're are here for."

Gran casts a side glance at me, winking. She knows me too well.

Mom strolls over, giving me a peck on the forehead, "Hi, son. I see you have met Mariah," As I look up at her, I notice she's also winking at me. Lord, these women will be the death of me. I shake my head from side to side and audibly sigh; they are starting to embarrass me.

Mariah bites her lip to keep from smiling, "Alright, Miss Norma, just a few minutes to let them dry, and you are good to go."

She stands up and walks towards the sink to wash her hands. I can't help but stare at that tight little ass in those faded cut off jean shorts as she walks away from me, swaying her hips in perfect rhythm, knowing she's only doing that because she knows I'm watching. I must talk to this girl, but I can't do it around all these nosey-ass women. I need to hang around and wait until she leaves. So, I bide my time and wait.

As dinner approaches, I have watched as the ladies have lined up for Mariah to paint their nails all day. Lori notices me as she steps out of her office, "Well, hello, Dylan," She greets me while eyeing me suspiciously.

Crap! She knows! "Hello Lori, I just came to visit my Gran."

She crosses her arms and raises an eyebrow; she knows I never stay past lunchtime, but I can't tell her the real reason. Oh, hey Lori, how's your day? I want to fuck your niece in every room in this place twice around. That probably wouldn't fly. Lori turns to Mariah, "Hey, Colie, are you ready to go?"

Hmmm, Colie... I need to know where that came from. I like it; It suits her, "Oh, yeah, let me get my things, and we can head out," She responds.

Before I have a chance to stop myself, I blurt out, "Lori, I was hoping that Mariah would let me take her out for a drink."

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