Chapter 4: There's Money to be Made

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Walking into the building you were bombarded with what felt like millions of people. It was so crowded. Some wanting to join Vought's Corporation, others just wanting insight on what The Seven were going at all times.

A manager soon led you to the elevator, up to Madelyn Stillwells room on the 99th floor. You were terrified. Your 'nobody can touch me' attitude quickly faded. You remembered that this is the corporation that put you through so much shit. Made you dance like a monkey in a cage.

You suddenly shook those memories out of your head and you arrived the Madelyn's office. Opening then door you are greeted by an older woman with dirty blonde hair. Pictures of Homelander plastered on every wall. Even his stupid mini figures on her desk. You were a little jealous, just to think if you stayed in the facility that could have been you, but you doubted it. Not everyone wants a 'demon' to be representing America.

"Hello, you must be (Y/n)," she says reaching her hand out to shake yours.

"Yes that's me. Nice to meet you Ms. Stillwell," you say trying to hide how nervous you were.

"So you're applying for assistant, what makes you different from everyone else that's applying?" She asks seriously, making little eye contact with you as she's glued to the laptop in front over her.

This question unsettled you, you've never had a job, never worked for any corporation. You had to make something up.

"Well I've know adversity and hardships. I was on the streets at 15, when a family decided to take me in. Life was hard. But I've seen the supes in action and always wanted to be on the winning side. Watching them stop crime and make America the best place one earth. There's nothing I want more than to work for the people that save and protect our country." You feel powerful after the speech. Like you really sold the performance.

"Aw cute" she says sarcastically. "I know you've never had a job before, the lying stops now. But I supposed I can give you a chance. If you fuck one thing up you're out. Do you understand?" She said calmly, with a smile on your face.

Her response upset you. She was harsh and impossible to lie to. You were incredibly intelligent and a great actor. But she was able to see right through it all. Maybe all jobs were like this but you wouldn't know. At least you got the job, you thought to yourself.

"You'll start tomorrow." She said sternly.

"Sounds great" you say with a fake smile.

You leave returning to Becca's apartment. Excited to tell her the news you burst through the door. Only to find her on top and asleep with Billy.

"I GOT THE JOB! Oh shit, I didn't mean to interrupt" you say lowering your voice

"Fuckin cunt" Billy says flicking you off, you scared him with your loud intrusion.

"I love you too, Billy boy. But this is big for me. Go back to bed" you say. You and Billy always had a love hate relationship with each other. He was like a brother you never wanted.

Becca now fully awake, her eyes widened. "No way. Just like that?" She questioned.

"Yes!" you say happily "though Madelyn was a little rude. Kinda intimidating. But at least I got it. I'll start looking for a place to live tomorrow but for now I need some sleep," you say yawning.

"Oi she's just a ol' cunt. No need to worry about any of that lady's shit. She's all bark and no bite." Billy says. His accent hard to understand.

"You're right. I'm sure I'll do fine. Right? Ugh so much stress." You say tiredly

"(Y/n) you know you'll do great. You're just overreacting. Everyone there will love you, hopefully." She says with a laugh.

"Eh, alright. Well anyways l, goodnight guys, see ya in the morning" you say heading off to your room for the night.

"Love you sis" Becca says

"Love you too, Bec" you say closing the door.

You were nervous. The thought of seeing Homelander in person scares you. You remembered him from the facility. How the doctor talked him up to be America's hero. You only hoped he didn't remember you. You've only seen each other once. He would remember you, right?

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