Chapter 14: Backup

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"Callisto" you whispered out loud trying to understand what Dr. Müller said.

"You will no longer be referred to as 2794, Callisto, thats what you'll be called. That's what you'll respond to. Now we just need to go over a few things, I'll say them first then you make it sound natural", he says trying to rush. "Your name is Callisto, you're 27 years old. Uh let's see here, you grew up in San Diego California, 5'9 140 pounds. Parents both died when you were 3. Hm, what else", he says looking through the papers on his clip board. "Oh yes, just give a heart felt reason to why you're joining 'The Seven'".

You quickly throw a speech together in your head. Trying to memorize everything the doctor just said.

"Ready, Callisto?" He asks. You nod in agreement.

"Hello, my name is Callisto. I'm 5'9 and weigh 140 pounds. I'm 27 years old and grew up in San Diego California" you say giving fake emphasis on your words. "I've always wanted to join 'The Seven' since I was little. I've looked up to them and admired how they helped others. Before I could remember, my parents were murdered. I moved from house to house, until I found the perfect family. They accepted me for who I was and embraced my powers. I now only want to protect the ones who protected me.", You finish, impressed with your improv.

Dr. Müller smiles, also impressed with what you said.

"That'll do. You won't have to use it much but don't you dare tell anyone different from that story. You will stick to that story or there will be punishments.", he says sternly, wiping the smile off his face. "Understand?"

You nod, the feeling on your corset rising as you moved the laces.

"Grab your things, oh, and take this." he says handing you a small flip phone.

You take it and shove it in the side of your boot. You were like a teenager who gets to go out with her friends alone for the first time.

"You'll answer whenever we call you, and we trust you won't go running off, you know better. That chip in your neck isn't the only thing preventing you from leaving".

Without making eye contact you continue to grab the few things that belonged to you. You knew you couldn't leave, nor did you ever plan on it.

"You'll also return back down here, Every Sunday at 11pm." He says and you finish grabbing the rest of your belongings. "We'll meet you by the elevator, 5 minutes".

You walk over to your mirror and close your eyes. You see yourself with your spectral sight. "Callisto", you whisper. This was your moment. But you were still a prisoner. You could never have a normal life. Forever under the control of Vought.

You zip up your mostly empty backpack and grab your staff. You take one last glance at your room, knowing that you could one day possibly return.

Upon arriving to the elevator, the 2 men that came in with Dr. Müller we're now in bullet proof vests and padded armor, carrying large guns. They motioned you in. You breathe deeply, and step into the elevator with the 3 men.

Dr. Müller pushes the button to the 99th floor. And the elevator shuts softly. You watched as the floor level slowly rose from -8 to 99. You hear a loud "ding" and the elevator doors open.

You step out and pause. It was beautiful. Large photos of each of "The Seven" lined the walls. The halls hand door after door. The meeting room doors looked oddly familiar, but you were too excited to dwell on that thought.

One of the armored men nudge you roughly with the handle of their gun, motioning for you to move. You quickly walk forward until they motion for you to stop. You're given a key by the doctor. You quickly unlock the door and rush in. Your room was dark, just how you liked it, but the windows have moveable blackout curtains.

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