2. Synopsis/Description

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So you have planned and outlined your book perfectly. Now what?

Now you need to write a good description of the story in case of wattpad.

Description is such an important and sometimes underrated part. It matters a lot and I can't stress this enough.

So Wattpad allows upto 2000 words for writing description but most of wattpad users read from their smartphone so it would be better if you write a description in 500 words or less.

While writing description, remember one thing, Less is always more.

Yes that's true, its a story description you're writing, not the book itself so don't write too many details.

• The description should be eye catching.

Our focus is to make the reader hooked from the description itself.

The reader should feel curious, they should feel like wanting to read more and more.

How do you do that?

Its Simple really.

(One of the way to write one) ⤵

• Introduce your main characters. Talk about their strengths and if it serves your plot then weaknesses too.


Talk about your protagonists, just a simple two line intro.

This should be in two three lines not more for each character.

• Now, add a pinch of conflict.

Make sure you don't disclose too much. There is a thin line between sharing a bit from which reader wants to read furthur and to sharing too much from which the readers make out what your plot is going to be like.

People won't like to  read further if they figure your story out just by the description.

In case of Wattpad, you can also add an excerpt from your book. A scene maybe which is good and can attract readers.

You can also add questions in the description after you write the whole description to make the reader more interested to read the story.

Writing description also depends on the genre of your book.

Eg. If its a mystery book then you may want it to be really short and mysterious.

A description can also be written in first person or third person.

Usually third person is used in published novels and when you want to give information.

Writing in first person is also great if written properly like in the book Twilight by Stephanie Meyer.

So to conclude this, there are many ways to write a description in Wattpad but it just has to be interesting which makes the reader want to read your book.

Don'ts of description writing--

• No description.

This is worse. How do you expect me to take the pains of reading a book without even knowing what's it about? I'm sorry but I'm a lazy girl and I'll directly skip the story and jump to the next one. I've seen these books without description on wattpad and I'm sorry but its necessary.

Some writers do inform the readers that description is inside the book so that's still acceptable but no description at all is just wrong.

I wouldn't want to waste my time in reading a few chapters to know what the story is about.

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