1. Plan

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This is the first chapter in what you need to do before publishing on Wattpad or anywhere else.

I would like to tell you that these are my personal opinions and if you don't resonate then it's totally fine.

Every writer is different so styles will be different too.

Also, this is not just Wattpad level planning guys.  This is going to help you in getting your book published as a hardcopy. Even I'm working on bettering my book every single day as it doesn't happen overnight.

Let's start now, Shall we??

The first step to writing a book is to PLAN it! Sounds basic and simple? Well, this is the most hardest and crucial part of writing a book according to me.

Planning includes a number of things and some of them are :-

• Plot
• Characters (personality, voice, body type, quirks, goals, etc..)
• Setting
• Narration
• Names of Characters
• Pre book history (if any)

Types of writers :-

1. Plotter
2. Pantser
3. Plantser

Plotter is someone who writes with an outline. Basically, they have everything ready. They know what and how their story will progress and what they will add and at what point in the story will they add it.

Pantser is someone who writes without an outline. They won't outline every single thing in the book but instead they will just sit and start writing the book itself.

Plantser is kind of like a baby of Plotter and Pantser. Its a hybrid. Plantser has both the qualities but one may outweigh the other.

Which one are you??

I'm a plantser but I lean more on the Plotter side.

For example, I have planned everything I'm going to write in this particular book and I have chapters distributed but I might add some things or change things if I want as I write this book further and that's what works for me.

All three of them have their own uniqueness and benefits like if you're a  plotter, its hard to get writer's block as you have everything planned.

If you're a pantser, you get to change the plot whenever you want, you get a clean slate. You can do whatever you want and you won't get bored.

So after you know what type you are, its time to see how to plan a book. Even if you're a pantser, you will need the basic idea of how your book is going to progress.

1. Theme
2. Ideas
3. Characters
5. Plot
6. Timeline
7. Write


IT  is the kind of book you want to write. Romance, SciFi, fantasy, mystery, paranormal, Young adult and so on. There are so many genres for you to decide whats going to be the theme of your book.

#Tip Always choose a genre you are familiar with. The one you LOVE to read because if you love what you're writing then its going to turn out amazing and it will become easier to write.

If you do decide to get out of your comfort zone and select a genre you haven't worked on ever then start your research and know everything there is to know about writing in that specific genre.

This must sound irrelevant right now but trust me, it gets hard and your book won't look like it belongs there.

I would still suggest that if you're writing a book for the very FIRST TIME then please go with a genre you love to read.

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