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After they arrived to the hotel. Miranda thought she should somehow make this little swan of her happy. She have always manage to keep balance with all the demands of the office and she's really improving in the fashion industry that she can give some assistance and tips to the make department and the run through team. Miranda even found her with Nigel once checking the clothes, the accessories and the shoes and pulling out those i obviously don't like. She's really smart and I could see my younger self in her. She makes me feel and look back at my past. Maybe if  I wasn't an editor I might be as well a journalist by now.


"This lady is really full of surprises".  She whispers under her breath as she saw Andrea checking the room with a checklist in her left hand and a pen on the other. She just stood there looking at her and examining her outfit and the way she moves. "Ugh. Why can't she just move at a glacial pace". She's so meticulous in scrutinizing the whole place even the security cameras at every  room and angle of my room. What's wrong with her?.  She decided to sit down and wait for her in the white swivel chair and read her itinerary that was on the desk as her small office for the whole stay in Paris. "hmmn, very well". She have absolutely arranged the appointment the way she wants it. When Miranda is too busy Andrea manages to fill in important appointments on her schedule and then just notify her when she's not busy which is very impressive. She finally decided to make her presece known. "Andrea". Miranda could hear her stilettos in a frantic pace. Her eyes was still on the checklist. "I need to change in 15 minutes the car will be waiting and I need you with me to..."  She really gets pissed off when Andrea gets too focus that she just keep her notes without looking at Miranda so she look at her until she finally look at her. "am I bothering you with your notes that you can't look at me when I'm talking". She was about to answer when the phone ring.  "Miranda, i just got back to the hotel and my contacts says his never been here for 8 months straight". She looks at Andrea in an unreadable facial expression. "thank you. Change and we're going out meet me at the lobby in 5 minutes". Andrea nodded as she hung up the phone.

Strolling paris streets

Minutes later and Nigel is with Andrea making serious faces talking like they are an investigator. Miranda cleared her throat to give them hint she's ready to go. "Uh-hmmn, I hope I'm not bothering your very serious conversation like you're a detective there. But i wanna grab some fresh air and wines." they both nodded giving an eye contact she does not understand. Miranda was wearing a terno white jeans and jacket addidas slightly opened with a hood and black dry fit v-neck shirt and a prada belt bag and a white addidas sneakers. She's really glamorous even in this kind of clothes. She just fits to everything perfectly. While nigel was in levis jeans armani boots a black addidas sweater and a prada scarf and a light pink belt bag. Andrea was in her favorite black and  fuchsia airmax, and a pink and black colored pair of addidas jacket and jeans. Nigel noticed Andrea was shocked and surprised she and Miranda are wearing the same item but different color. "Ladies, shall we? Or whould i wear mine to complete this squad." he said jokingly and making wink at Miranda. "well, im afraid Andrea doesn't want ME to be in SAME outfit tonight as her maybe you should change". Andrea was already fidgeting and obviously panicking about her outfit before she hyperventilate Miranda and Nigel laugh out loud and then Nigel get inside his room quite fast and the three are now on squad goals outfit in black, pink and white addidas. It was already 8pm and luckily the papz didn't notice the three passing in front of them. They put on the hoodies and the scarf in their faces. Very well disguised like they really plan to do this together. They started walking to the park closest to their hotel. They took a small walk and talk about their personalities. First time Andrea heard Miranda's sweet laugh. Andrea realized that Nigel and Miranda have been friends for over 2 decades and that Nigels first crush was Miranda. While Miranda just know that her very trusted team are the closest and have these regular hangouts every Friday bar and grill and a Sunday church time or yoga outdoor together Nigel, Andrea, Emily, Serena and Jocelyn and they even have a group chat. Andrea and Nigel showed their crazy photos as a group and even some of their conversations in the group chat teasing each other about almost everything. She also learned that Andrea was adopted and after Nate's cool off his parents treat her like no one in their life. Something she never expected from this very smiling and energetic Andrea she know whom she's relying on most of her personal affairs to keep things in private. They scanned the photos while sitting in the bench in the middle of the park and there are small trees all over which they thought was a good spot to stay. Nigel grab some tea and crackers. They are laughing and teasing of their mischievous teen age years. They even fell like their tummy is full of air and they can't handle the laughter anymore that even tears starts to come out. Nigel finally found the grip to compose himself "enough ladies if i knew you would not stop teasing me them i shouldn't have told you about it" "Nigel, Nigel, Nigel I will always love you even with your most stupid excuse of poisoning your crazy date at your prom. I just wish she never have to pee and explode in the middle of the dance floor." they started to laugh again but finally cut off when Miranda suddenly felt like someone is looking at them that she immediately look around but most people who were there are couples and families no one was solo flight there. Andrea noticed it "Miranda? Are you alright?" she look around and then to the editor. "Nigel? Do you think you can call Sandy and ask if we can drop by and hangout tonight? Like now?" she didn't respond to Andy so the good vibes won't be cut out. "Well, I actually chatted her while i was changinging clothes and she's expecting us before 9pm. What do you think?". "sounds perfect let's go? Andrea it's just 2 blocks from our hotel. I hope that answers your bothering look at me". She said jokingly trying to ease the girl with a warm smile and stood up and reach for her hand for the two. While they passed by the hotel. Miranda felt it again and made a text while walking and listening to Andrea talking about her job hunting before Runway. Nigels phone beep for a message. Nigel, call your contact or send a message and tell him it's twice now.

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