Various Junior Prompts

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This was some rps I did with a friend on tumblr who I thank for keeping me sane through those years

9- :"Come, I'll give you a bath to wash the dry slick away."

Silent stared at the hick with peeved manners. "What the fuck did you just say?" She didn't hear it right maybe. When he repeated it, she went red and spazzed about.

Junior just laughed. "What's so bad about that? Wouldn't be the first time."

Silent froze and threw various things at the man. "NOTHING HAPPENED AND THAT WAS DIFFERENT."


Junior and Silent sharing a bed.

Silent yawned as she woke up, stretching her back and rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Her hair was sticking out in random directions, but she didn't care. She looked over to see where she was and didn't recognize it.

Another shifting in the bed made her freeze. She thought she was alone but apparently not. She turned over to see Junior in bandages snoozing peacefully. She smiled warmly, "You know when you're not being a snarky douchebag, you can be pretty cute."

She jumped slightly when he groaned in his sleep. She looked closer to see that his wounds were beginning to open again. She saw the blood leaking out a bit, and she panicked.

Seeing that no one else was around, she decided to clean the wound up. After a while, she used her basic Rapturian medical knowledge to fix up best she could. She felt a bit sleepy and decided to nap. Unknown to her, Junior was awake the whole time.

"Cute huh? You're cute no matter what cat girl." He scooted closer to her and pulled her to him, resting his chin on her head.


Oh no, Junior injured his arm during the fight.

"OW, YOU FUCKING BITCH THAT STINGS. STOP!" Junior yelled at the girl who was trying to heal his wounds. He had tears in his eyes.

Silent hissed at the hick. "IM TRYING TO HEAL THE WOUND YOU ASSHOLE." She used her powers to hold him in place. "Stop struggling." She had managed to put a sling on his shoulder. She looked at his eyes, "Dude you crying? Oh my god, I need to find a camera. This is priceless."

Junior quickly grabbed one of her shadows, pulling her down into his lap. "No, you damn won't. You will stay with me until my wound heals."


"I can't forget you."

Silent remembered the leader of the Mamas Boys telling her that. She didn't believe it, every time she left the world she was protecting, everyone forgot about her existence and or anything that was related to her. "You'll forget me, everyone does. It usually comes back to everyone if I re-entered the world and physically touched any part of their body. Or if I died, then everyone would suddenly remember everything."

It had been two years since she had saved Motorcity from the deadly Noise infection. Some signs indicated that a few smaller ones remained, and so Silent was sent back out there. Everything seemed the same to her as it always was.

All she needed to do was unlock everyone's memory of her and her duty. Though she didn't know how to do that. She was walking towards Antonios when someone shoved her back onto the ground. "Ow. What the hell man!" She hissed, glaring at the offender.

Motorcity DreamsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin