Stray Sisters Part 2

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Silent flexed her hands, leaving deep claw marks in her palms. She sharpened her eyes and grabbed onto the girl's hand with her fingers, digging deep into the skin. "YOU SHOULD HAVE NOT DONE THAT" She hissed at her, eyes turning from brown to gold. "MUTTS SHOULD MIND THEIR OWN TAILS" She growled, kicking Wormy off her legs as she landed crouched down in a feral stance.

Shadow managed to untangle her hand from the girl. Blood poured from the wound, her pupils grew small in rage as she swings her foot out letting it pound into the girl's shoulder. Shadow would have smiled if it wasn't for all she injures instead she smirked, "Now that is a threat isn't it?" She mocked.

Silent growled out, she crouched underneath Wormy's legs, "Better fucking run mutt, Looker hates criminals." Silent hissed out, moving her arms to hold her self. She did not want to shed blood. But the smell of it called her to do so. "You're better off with this dick here as a friend," She remarked.

Shadow frowned looking at the hockey player for a split second before channeling her eyes back to Silent. She smiled, her fangs poking out. "Kat, you should watch that motor mouth of yours. It could get you in some serious trouble..."

"I have been in deeper shit than this. When I first came here, I fucking fell into a canyon in my car. Got attacked by Kanebots, mutant rats, and anything else. My guardian's power slips to me sometimes, and so I have to deal with this fucking lust for blood. I have killed many people in this city,... Children included..." Silent lowered her eyes, relaxing her stance. "Kids that... looked up to ... me..." She lowered her voice, sitting back on her butt, looking forlorn.

Shadow was a bit annoyed but decided to roll with what Silent was saying. "Oh. Well...that's...uhh...." She said pausing now and then between words that were a part of her plan. She crouched down but still ready to bolt if needed.

"A kid who.... looked up to me.... asked me to... help him teach his sister... how to... draw... I... remember her words... 'Help me please! I wanna draw!'." Silent closed her eyes, something wet trickled down her face. "Then... it happened." Silent bit her lip, curling around herself, easing back towards the hockey player. "Why... 'Why did you do it?! She loved you!"

"Oh Geez..." Shadow said under her breath as she listened, sitting as still as a statue while blood trickled down her hand and foot.

"I did it because...." Silent suddenly stopped making noises. "Because... I wanted to." She smiled, eyes blurring as her tears trickled down. She laughed quietly, laying back against the hockey player. Her breathing relaxed. "I.... never wanted to kill, but... this.. makes it oh so fun..." She whispered. "Just once, I would like to not kill... I... want to be... loved once...."

"Yeah..." Shadow said in almost a bored tone. She rested her head on her non-bloody hand. Who was she kidding? She was bored as hell! All Shadow wanted to do at that moment was go home and get cleaned up.

"By your tone, I can tell you don't fucking care. No feelings for a small little freak like me? Leave me here to die then. I don't care... End me. Better to die than... kill more innocents... I... love..." Silent rose her hand up, grasping at a sharp glass. "Easier,.... to kill"

"Oh, Balls..." Shadow cursed under her breathe as she changed into her small canine body, racing toward Silent. She didn't want anyone to, she liked it more to play with her prey not kill it. She thought, yanking the glass away from the girl with her powerful jaws. That caused herself to bleed in the mouth from the sharp glass.

Silent whined as the glass shard sliced her hands. She sat up, immediately snapping out of her trance. She cradled her hand, crying a bit before yanking the glass out of the dog's mouth. "Don't you dare save me by killing yourself? I don't like favors." She hissed stopping the blood from pouring out. "Yo... Jason lover, don't be a dick and just stand there. Help someone."

"I wasn't doing a favor. If you died, it would get on me. I don't wanna go down like that cause of your stupidity." Shadow said as her country accent snuck through. While speaking, blood oozed down her canine lips and on to the ground, "Hell, why would I kill myself. I got a pack to look after. Hell would break loose if I died." Shadow added under her breath.

"So, you have people to watch for too? I have... these friends of mine I have to protect, and some kids as well. They are my life...." Silent chuckled, looking up at Shadow. She smiled genuinely at her, a kind smile. She then looked at Wormy, staggering to get up, she hissed at him. "What the fuck is wrong with you? IF people are dying, you gotta start caring. SPECIALLY TWO GIRLS, THE FUCK. YOU ARE NOT A MAN."

Shadow was a bit shocked to see the girl smile at her, the same girl who just a second ago bite the hell out her hand and foot. Shadow hardly got smiled at. Her sisters would smile at her when they were fooling' around instead of working. As she changed back to her normal self, she looked at the girl with an unreadable expression.

"HEY, I'm talking to you. Don't YOU dare ignore me because I am shorter than you. I can still attack." Silent hissed at Wormy, pounding on his chest. She cast a look at Shadow, blinking, she smiled once more. "Wormy for god's sake, answer me. I think you are dead. Welp, I can take your mask and hockey stick. More fun for me." She said, reaching for his mask.

Shadow didn't understand this girl. Shadow would never smile at herself if she was Silent. She just didn't understand... She only snapped out of her thoughts when Silent started talking "-Welp, I can take your mask and hockey stick. More fun for me." That was all Shadow heard as she watched the girl reach for the man's hockey mask.

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