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Attention people of the universe. I have started a new story! that's right a new story! and you are encouraged to read it in till your eyes hurt(but please don't). I would love to have all the amazing people who supported me and this book look over at the other book. I thought I hinted at a new book at the end of chapter 7, but I didn't, you know I think I actually talked about it in the comments that's it. Anyways, its kinda like this one, but I might just have two books to that one! I hope you'll at least read the first chapter that I posted today. I know that I haven't been the most constant with uploads, but I'm tring to get better so every weekend expect a notification (if you save this book) in your notification. like now! OK ill stop talking right now. I love you all and thank you again for the support. I hope that I can inspire all of you to write and keep writing! Ok love you biiiiiiiiiiiii<3

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