"We receive orders from a number of his capos. Giorno, Y/N, the capo who'll be deciding whether you'll join the organization is a man named Polpo." I say as we stop walking in front of the prison building. I turn to look at both of them.

"He's in this building." I say as I glance back and point at it.

"But this building... It's a prison." Giorno stated the obvious.

"Yup." Y/n said as she/he/they popped the "P" in the word. "Polpo was convicted of a certain crime and his big ass ain't getting out for fifteen years, right?" I nod, confirming her/his/their statement.

"But he gives me orders from the inside and commands the organization. He can leave this place whenever he feels like it, but he doesn't. There's simply no reason to." I inform them, well more accurately I informed Giorno since it's more than obvious Y/N is aware of all of this.

"But why?" Giorno asked.

"You'll understand once you go in." I answered him. "Giorno Giovanna, Y/N L/N, you're both going to be interviewed by him, you both have to pass. It's basically like any other job interview. What the interview actually entails will depend on his mood, but whatever you two do, don't let him find out your true intentions."

"Alright/Aight." They both reply in their own ways. They both begin to walk towards the building but then Giorno stops and turns back for a second.

"Oh, yeah. The stand ability... I never asked how you ended up with that ability, but are there others with it?" He questioned. I glanced at Y/N who just looked back at me with a small, soft smile. I slightly smile at her/him/them but quickly turned to look at Giorno with a serious expression.

"That'll also be answered once you get inside.... If you pass that is." I finally answered. He looked at me for a second before turning back and walked up to Y/N. I watched them both as they walked into the prison.


Giorno and I nervously walk through the prison's hall. Even though I know exactly what happens here, it's a whole lot different actually being here. It feels so much more creepy experiencing it than just knowing about it.

As we walked through one of the prison doors we hear an officer say, "First, place your belongings, watch, and everything in your pockets into the tray, then proceed to the next room for a body check." He said as another officer who was sitting at a desk pushed an orange tray towards us. Giorno walked over and placed his bag down. Meanwhile, I took this opportunity to try out my stand.

I quietly whispered, "Recess." as my stand appeared next to me.

I lightly tapped my foot on the ground and I saw how her/his flowers slowly closed up as if sucking the air around them, just to burst open as if they were blowing it out. With that, I witnessed what seemed to be myself walking up to the tray and searching through "my" pockets. I saw "myself" place what looked to be my phone, earbuds/AirPods, charger, my charger's box, and portable charger.

So this is what they see?! Cool! I smiled as I thought to myself.

I then just walked next to Giorno, who was searching through his pockets, making sure he didn't miss anything. While he was doing that, "I" then walked up to myself and stood right on the spot where I currently stood on.

Huh... "I" disappeared right into myself... I thought to myself, just in time to see Recess disappear too.

Oh! I guess they're done with their job... I mean yeah I guess lmao. I'm going to need her/him again though to make sure the next officer doesn't feel my stuff in my pockets though. I thought just as the next prison doors open for me and Giorno to walk through. As soon as it opened all the way we both walked in.

Vento Aureo/Golden Wind x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now