A New Time

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(Kong's POV)

Luz: Come here you lil' goober.

Luz picked me up and hugged me. I giggled a bit. Luz will become a loyal subject when I rule supreme! Plus, she makes awesome pancakes. Eda walked in with Lilith.

Eda: King, Luz, me and Lilith are off to the market. Willow and Gus called and said they're coming over soon.
Luz: Yay!
Me: MORE HUGS! More subjects in my kingdom!
Eda: Not yet King. Anyways, I got enough snails left to buy something nice. What do you guys want?
Luz: Something magically adorably!
Me: Something Violent!
Lilith: Alright, we'll get a unicorn plush with a spear for a horn.
Me+Luz: Yay!
Eda: Let's go. Hooty, keep an eye out for the Emperor's guards.
Hooty: HOOT HOOT! Got it!

They left. It was just me and Luz.

Me: Wanna have a little more of the comedy hour before Willow and Gus come over?
Luz: I'd be lying if I said I didn't!

We made puns and jokes when there was a knock on the door.

Luz: They must be here!

She opened the door, but instead of Willow and Gus, it was a mysterious figure.

??: Is this the residence of someone known as "King"
Luz: Depends, are you a cop?
??: No. I come to deliver my services.

I scampered over go Luz.

Me: They must be here to bow before their future ruler, Luz.
??: Actually, I deliver information, and help.
Luz: Come in. But if you're a liar, Hooty will take care of you.....

That got dark.......and I love it.

??: My name is Voithós Tom plasmáton, Greek for Helper of creatures, but you can call me Voithós for short.
Me: Ok, Voithós, what information do you have?
Voithós: King, you are a demon yourself, yes?
Me: Yes.
Voithós: When you were younger, Axotol put Bill Cipher, a powerful demon, in your mind, locked away.
Me: Wa?!
Voithós: As punishment for what Bill did, he locked him in your head to see your life and try to learn how to redeem himself.
Me: But, but my private time!
Voithós: Don't worry, that still belongs to you. You see, Bill can only escape when someone cares for him, for who he is.
Luz: So King has another demon locked inside his mind?!
Voithós: Yes. But I can help with the removal.
Me: How?!
Voithós: I can remove Bill and lock him in an infinite nightmare.
Luz: But why?
Voithós: Bill has killed millions of people over the centuries.
Me: So a murderer is locked in my head?!?!
Voithós: Look, I have stayed a little over what I have intended. Here's my card. Call me whenever you have free time.
Luz: But what about your free time?
Voithós: My free time is all the time.
Me: But how can we trust you?
Voithós: Maybe seeing my face will help you.

They pulled down their hood.

Their skin was light green and had a violet colored hair with a magenta streak.

Luz: WOW, you look really pretty miss.
Voithós: Thanks.
Me: Cool!
Voithós: I must be off now. Goodbye Luz and King.
Luz+me: Bye Voithós!

She then pulled her hood back up and left.

Luz: She seems like a fun character.
Me: Yeah. Hey Luz, I'm going to take a nap.
Luz: Alright.

She then kissed my forehead.

Luz: Sleep well.
Me: You're not the boss of me!

We both chuckled. I ran to my room and curled up on my bed. There's another demon inside of me and it has done heinous acts. I'm glad that Voithós can help me.



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