Chapter 2-Little Red Hood

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It can't be! It's impossible! Rodrigo is playing a modern system?!

So wondered any who saw Rodrigo playing a recently bought Nintendo Switch!

(Why people look so surprised?) Rodrigo thought, as he played Zelda Breath of the Wild, (I DO like all kinda games, not like I never played Zelda before!)

The boy then sighed, remembering an adventure he had a while ago. (Still, that was incredible. No one would believe I went inside a Time Gal game! Wonder why it happened?)

The boy blinked, suddently as there was a knock on the door. It was the mailman. Rodrigo wasn't expecting anything, so he was surprised.

There was a letter on the package he got, and Rodrigo smiled. It was from Naomi,one of his classmates! She and her parents traveled in vacation, and during it, she said she found a guy selling an old NES game, one she never saw before.

As it was cheap, she ended up remembering how Rodrigo's love for those kinds of obscure game was well known in class, so she decided he'd like it!

Rodrigo smiled, eagerly opening the package!

"Little Red Hood? A game based on Little Red Riding Hood? I think I only heard about it on that webshow, AVGN..." the boy said.

Then, he added, "A game so obscure, even I know little about it...."

And, with a newly bought Nintendo Switch before him, versus an old, obscure Nes bootleg game, Rodrigo could just smile and say, "Let's find out how it is!"

He soon got his Nes ready, and was ready to play, but it wouldn't work!

Rodrigo sighed, upset. "Aww, it doesn't work?" he wondered, then blinked as he saw a spot to put a cartridge above and smiled, putting a Super Mario Bros game above Little Red Hood. It worked!

Many people would be frustrated at the start. Useless attack, randomness everywhere....but this is what a real obscure game is all about....and Rodrigo was actually having the time of his life!

Until, the TV began glowing, and Rodrigo gasped as a bright glow enveloped the room....

Once the boy opened his eyes, he blinked. "Is that...a forest?" he wondered, looking around.

It seemed different from any forest he ever saw! Blocky,some might say ugly...

"Did it happen...again?" Rodrigo wondered, smiling, and looking around as he walked.

....untill he heard a growling behind him, and gasped as he saw goblins!

"H-huh, hi..." Rodrigo nervously said.

The goblins kept approaching.

"N-nice goblins?" Rodrigo asked them, trying to be friendly.

The goblins kept approaching, with an evil smile...

"B-bad goblins!" he whined, noticing it didn't help, and he tried to run!

One goblin appeared in front of him, and Rodrigo, scared, tried to kick it...which did nothing but make the goblin blink and laugh at his!

"Hahahaha! A little brat, thinking he can kick me away?" he said.

"Ehh....what's that behind you?" Rodrigo asked.

It was one shot in a million....the oldest trick in the book!

And yet, Goblins aren't known for their smarts!

As the goblin turned to look, the boy ran away as fast as he could!

Of course, he was chased, but was still faster, thankfully.

5 Minutes later

"Man....think I lost em'..." Rodrigo mumbled, sighing. "I feel like I've been running for so long, I'm SO hungry...."

He then felt a very nice smell....

"Hey, what's this smell?!" he wondered, going fast after it!

He saw a basket in the ground!

"Hey! Someone here? You dropped your basket!" he yelled, but no anwser.

He went closer, deciding to hold on to it till he found the owner, but he saw the smell was coming from the basket!

Rodrigo blinked. "J-just a peek inside, it can't hurt, right?" he decided, looking, and seeing a lot of food, including an apple pie!

The boy drooled! "S-so...t-tasty looking..."

He looked around some more for the owner, but didn't find anyone as he walked.

"I-I can't take it h-hungry....well, can't find the owner of this basket if I can't hurt to eat just a small piece and then explain what happened,right?" the boy said, taking a slice of the pie!

He ate. It was so tasty! It almost was like he was in paradise! It almost was like-


-Like someone yelled just behind him!

He turned around and gasped. It was a blonde little girl, apparently his age and size. Her clothes, however, left no doubt as of her identity!

"......Little Red Hood...!" Rodrigo said.

"Who are you, and w-what do you think you're doing?!" she whined, "T-that's grandma's pie!"

Rodrigo groaned, looking at what was left of the slice of the pie in his hand. "N-name's Rodrigo and I-I'm sorry...I found this basket lost, and tried to look for the owner, but I was too hungry..." he tried to explain.

"You shouldn't eat things that aren't yours without asking first, now it's missing a slice!" Little Red Hood said, pouting.

"Look, I'm sorry. Promise!" Rodrigo said.

She still looked upset. "I...I understand, but what can I do now? I don't wanna give a pie without a slice..." Little Red Hood said.

Rodrigo sighed. "Can I make up with you somehow?"

Little Red Hood sighed, and thought. She soon remembered when she played house with her dolls and friends. "Well, there's a way...b-but I dunno if you'll like it." she said,a bit embarassed.

"W-what is it?" Rodrigo asked, nervous.

"A spanking." Little Red Hood said!

Rodrigo gasped. "W-what?"

"A spanking." she repeated, blushing on embarassement. "R-right on your bum bum!"

Rodrigo gasped. A-a spanking, again? And, from a girl his embarassing! "I-is that really what you want?"

Little Red Hood nodded. "Sorry, it's needed." she nodded, finding a place to sit.

Rodrigo groaned, embarassed, as he went over the little girl's lap. He then blushed, as she bared his bottom! "R-Red...!"

She was as embarassed as he was at the sight of a boy her age's bare bum bum, but firmly said, "All spankings are on the bare."


"Owwww! C-c'mon, Red, please!" Rodrigo pleaded.

"You've been a very naughty boy, Rodrigo!" Red said as she kept spanking.

"Oww, owwie, ouch, but, but.....!" Rodrigo pleaded.

"Yours will match my clothes!" she promised, alternating cheeks.

Rodrigo squirmed and pleaded. For a little girl, Red could spank hard!

"Owwie! Red, I was REAL hungry!" Rodrigo pleaded.

"I know, but it wasn't yours!" Little Red Hood scolded, going all over the butt.

Rodrigo's butt was now red, and he sobbed....

"Now, what are you learning?" Red asked him, spanking the sitspots.

"Waaahhh, no eating what isn't mine without permission..." he sobbed.

"That's right, and what'll happen if you do it again?" Red asked as she spanked.

"I-I'll get spanked...." sobbed Rodrigo.

Ten more to the sitspots, and she stopped.

Red helped Rodrigo up and hugged him. "There, there, all forgiven.."

"I-I'm sorry..." Rodrigo sniffled.

Red smiled. "I know....but now we're even." she promised, and sighed. "I dunno what to do about the pie,though...."

"How about I help you?"  Rodrigo said, wincing as he covered his bum. "I got you into this mess, after all. This is a forest, maybe if we get some fruits....."

Red smiled, "Grandma loves fruits! That just might work!"

Rodrigo and Red went to the forest. However, trouble just began...

First, the goblins found them again!

"Get away from us!" Red said.

Rodrigo noticed what would happen! "Red, don't try and kick them, it won't work-" he began, but, well....she tried to kick!

Rodrigo gasped and took her hand, "Quick, let's get outta here!"

Once they got away, Red groaned. "Sorry, Rodrigo, I should have listened to you...but you're real smart. How did you know it wouldn't work?"

"I forgive ya. Specially cause, I tried this before." he said, embarassed.

Red gasped."You didn't get hurt, did you?!"

"No, don't worry, I'm fine. C'mon, stay near me." Rodrigo said.

Red eager she was to get the basket ready for her grandma, she didn't make good on her promise!

First, they got to an item shop.

"Okay, Red, this is an slingshot. You put a stone on it and-wait!" Rodrigo gasped, as Little Red Hood actually tossed the slingshot at the goblin!

"Hah, I knocked him down, Rodrigo!" Red smiled.

"Ehh, good work, but now we can't get it back! Run!" Rodrigo gasped, as more goblins ran after them!

Then, she almost fell down an waterfall, trying to jump on turtles to get on the other side!

"Ahhhh! R-Rodrigo, help!" she gasped.

"D-don't worry, hold on to my hand!" Rodrigo said, helping her up.

They sighed in relief as she was safe.

"Red, please. You need to listen to me from now on...we are two kids alone in the forest, we need to stay together untill we're safe!" Rodrigo scolded.

"I-I'm sorry, Rodrigo. I'll stay close." Red promised.

But soon the last straw came, as a certain bear held a key they needed to open a secret passageway, further on the forest.

"Okay, Red, we need to stay away and wait for our chance to-" Rodrigo said, then gasped as she tried to sneak past the bear-almost getting hit by it's claw, if Rodrigo wasn't able to barely save her!

Luckly, they somehow were able to get the key, by tricking the bear with a stick and some honey.

However, Rodrigo took Red to a place on the forest no one could see them...

Red groaned. "R-Rodrigo...why do you look so upset...?"

Once they were on private, Rodrigo sighed. "Little Red Hood..."

Red winced. Full title? Doesn't sound good.... "Y-yes?"

"I asked you nicely to listen to me. I explained we need to stick together because of the danger, after all we both are kids and have no way to get past all those bad guys by ourselves, but you ignored me again and again. Why?" he asked.

Red sighed. "S-sorry, Rodrigo. I was so excited to get those fruits and complete the basket for grandma..."

Rodrigo shook his head. "I understand, but on the process, you tossed away our only means of protection, almost fell from an waterfall, not to mention that bear!" he scolded.

Red blushed, embarassed at the scolding. "I-I won't do it again..."

"I know you won't, after your lesson." Rodrigo sentenced.

"L-lesson? Oh, no, please not that..." she pleaded, holding her bottom!

"Yes, Red. Your bottom will match your clothes." Rodrigo said!

He took her over his lap and bared her bottom.

"R-Rodrigo, please! I'll be a good girl! I won't go to far away!I 'll-OWIE!" she yelped, at the first spank!

"You'll need to learn. Red, I am not giving orders to be bossy, it's for your own good." Rodrigo scolded as he spanked. He felt a bit wierd lecturing a girl his age, but she had to learn.

"Oww! Ouch! Owwie! I-I learned...." Red pleaded, as he alternated cheeks.

She squirmed and yelped, she cried and pleaded! Her little bottom stung a lot!

Rodrigo spanked all over her bottom, indeed making it match her famous clothing!

"W-waaaahhh....please no more..." Red pleaded.

"Little Red Hood, what are we learning?" Rodrigo asked, spanking the sitspots.

"W-waahhh....n-not to OWW! G-go far away from you on the forest...sob! N-not disobey when it's for my own good....sniff..." she sobbed.

"And if you do those things again?" Rodrigo asked.

"W-waahh, my bum bum'll match my clothes...."

Rodrigo helped her up after this, hugging her. Red took much longer to calm down than Rodrigo did, but she eventually did.

"Shh...calm down." Rodrigo said.

"S-sorry....I'll stay close this time, promise." Red said.

This time she kept her promise. Staying together they evaded danger, and got all the fruits Red needed.

"This should do it! Thanks, Rodrigo!" Red smiled.

"You're welcome, glad I could help. I mean, I owed you this." Rodrigo said.

"How about you come to Grandma's? I'm sure she'll let us eat a few of the fruits and-Rodrigo?Where did you go?" Red said, then asked, confused....

....For Rodrigo vanished back to his dimension, his mission complete!

Rodrigo was surprised, however. For he could see something that didn't happen in the game's ending originally, most likely....Little Red Hood telling her Grandma about her adventures with her new friend, Rodrigo!

"I-I changed the game's story?!" Rodrigo gasped, shocked. But somehow he liked it, whatever made him show up on his games to help....though he didn't like the spankings involved! 

He wondered if his adventures would continue....

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