Start from the beginning

Emmett Cullen found the source, a man stood with his hand bloody with blood oozing from cuts along his fingers from his bar barbwire dangling from the tree. Emmett dragged his wife throwing her to a deer, her black eyes dark as she sunk her fangs into its furry neck as it cried. Warm blood oozed around the sides of her face, the vemon in her teeth pierced the deer.

The agony carried when Emmett joined her. The blood was disgusting, she shuddered at the taste of it but it kept her at bay. Her eyes darted over to her husband as she leaned against a tree. She heard the soft thundering heartbeat of a mortal man, the blood was pressed on her senses, her lips quivered to have a taste. Edythe closed her eyed recoiling to her inner shell thinking of her children. Her iries begun swirling with rays of gold, traces of a amber lined her pupils. Her lips parted she trailed a finger over her face then dipped the tip of her finger on her tongue.

The bitter taste of the animal blood was pleasing. She exhaled a deep breath, her eyes snapped open as she adjusted to the detailed forest. Her depths locked on the bleeding human, his pale skin brimmed with dirt & dried up mud. His clothering was that of camouflage, tattered & ripped. Blood stained his clothing and poured down the palm of his hand.

The vampire noticed the way a shine caught her eye. It was a blade of some sorts, it glinted in the sunlight. The shine dripped with blood. She shook her head in wonder as she felt Emmett's hand slip into hers. Edythe visibly relaxed as they collided with one another. Their essence made known when a swirl of wind hit the man catching him off balance. Edythe appeared to the side of the road. Cleaning the blood away from the pit of her face.

"Time to get back on the road"  Emmett chimed in as they both buckled up and started the engine. Emmett glanced at Edythe with the side of his eyes as they all started down the road in their own silence. The hours were nothing, the ticking time flooded with many minutes as they finally reached the first town after crossing the boarder. Clouds overhung the small town, a smirk begun forming across his lips "Who are we meeting Em?"

The voice of his wide stirred his memories "Old friend from the 40s, met her freshly after turning into a vampire. Give or take a few years. Her name is Vienna" Emmett told Edythe as her brow lifted in question seeing that dazzling smile of her husband that he turned onto a long stretch of road "shall I suspect something my love" Her voice was teasing eyeing him; the redhead made him nervous sometimes. Emmett gulped "Last I knew she had many affairs over the course of years and may have fancied me since I didnt like her?" He said in a hurry as Edythe shrugged her shoulders eyeing Leah.

"You can eat her if you want" Eddie joked seeing Emmett tense up. A smirk pulled the corners of Leah's face "Just teasing" edythe practically joked as she held her husbands hand just as they pulled in front a three story house, windows covered with sheet curtains and thick oak wood lined the walls in panels.

The dark stained wood glistened from the low droplets of rain that fell as they descended into the small town in Canada. Edythe shifted her eyes over the large windows finding movement brushing behind the curtains, fingers glistened like a thousand diamonds at the brush of the sunlight. Lips pressed, Edythe sensed other vampires moving around.  Emmett laughed a bit seeing the door crack open "Serisouly Vienna" He muttered in a low voice.

The door swung wide open. Revealing a girl, frozen seemingly at the age of eighteen years old. Her long luscious dark chestnut coloured hair & crimson red eyes that held a shine. Her blemished alabaster pale skin shined, her lips pulled into a smile. Emmett stepped out "You just going to stand there big guy?" The vampire spoke, edythe suspected this was Vienna, the one her husband spoke of. 

"Before that Vienna. I need your help. My family is in danger" Emmett said  urging Vienna to finally gaze pass the vampire shoulders, she saw another vampire. Her lips pulled into a flat line, a grim expression lingered at the young woman who sat in thr front seat. Waves of curly hair was red, fiery with glistening golden eyes. Her pale skin glistened from the gaze of the sun. Her face complimented by her high cheek bones, a quaint straight small nose & plump pale pink lips. The vampire shifted on her feet "What's going on Em," she asked when the reaking scent of dog reach her very nose and she hissed.

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