Once they arrived in a carriage, Blaise looked at his sister and sighed

"Sorella, I—do—I'm worried about mum," he said and Carina nodded placing her hand on Blaise's

"I know, but we have to trust she will be okay. I think we're just going to miss her and it's making us a bit nervous," Carina reassured

Merlin knew that Carina was lying. She knew that Eleonora hated her current husband and she knew that it definitely wouldn't have been long before she tried to divorce him.

But she could not tell Blaise anything that would make his first journey to Hogwarts a negative one. She heard their mum, she said it was going to be the best years of their life! That was a lot to live up to as they hadn't even been alive long!

Carina went to reassure Blaise once more by making their promise but their carriage door was slid open by Draco who was huffing and puffing.

"These are Crabbe and Goyle, they'll be sitting with us," Draco spoke, it sounded like a statement

Carina Zabini was not happy about being the only girl in a carriage with four boys! Four boys! She was a lady! But she couldn't leave Blaise! The thought was absurd, she loved Blaise and they'd always promised they'd do the train ride to Hogwarts together.

You would be wrong to ever assume that Carina would ever break a promise to her brother.


Arriving at Hogwarts was surreal, Carina couldn't believe she was actually here.

She had ridden on the boats to the castle with Blaise and two other boys she didn't remember the names of but she smiled and chatted pleasantly to them regardless.

As they were waiting to be sorted, Draco had stormed up to the two and huffed loudly.

"I have just been embarrassed by Harry Potter and a Weasley!" He almost shouted and Carina giggled

"What did you do Draco?" Blaise asked rolling his eyes

Carina couldn't believe it though. Harry Potter! She knew that Harry Potter defeated you-know-who but her mum had never ever said that Harry himself had survived.

She knew that both his mum and dad had died and she felt sorry for him, she doesn't remember her dad too much, except for the fact that her dad used to say every single night

"I love you more than all the stars in the sky, vita Mia,"

Her and Blaise continued to say this to each other so they would always have a piece of their dad with them.

So she sympathised with Harry Potter, she knew what it must have been like. Especially because apparently he had been living with muggles! Muggles! Carina had never met a muggle before but she knew that they didn't have magic and couldn't ever learn about the existence of it.

Eleonora had always told them that blood status didn't matter, but if you wanted to be someone who's at the top, then you needed to be in with the Purebloods as a muggle born cannot offer you those opportunities.

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