Less than 24 hours

Start from the beginning

Itachi stood up before he walked towards the staircase " Uzumaki " called out Itachi as he stepped on the first step " yea " responded Naruto with a smirk " call me when you catch them. you know my specialty is T.I work ( Torture and Interrogation ). I'll be with Deidara till then " said Itachi as he continued his way upstairs but he missed the way Naruto smirk got bigger " will do, Uchiha " yelled Naruto in order for Itachi could hear " i'll stay here " said Naruko as she looked up from her phone " that's a good idea " said Naruto as he rubbed Naruko's head then he lend in and kissed her forehead " be careful " whispered Naruto before he stepped back then he left with Gaara who smiled at her " be careful " mouthed Naruko making Gaara nod 

Itachi mad his way to his bedroom, he reached for the door knob while he exhale deeply. Itachi opened the door to a simi dark room, the more he opened the door the more light came in room. Itachi could see the lamp on top of the bedside table on making Deidara face visible so he closed the door behind him, Itachi made his way towards his bed then he climb in without waking Deidara up. Itachi used his elbow as support while he used the other hand to gently caress Deidara's checks " i'm sorry " whispered Itachi as he got teary but he smiled when Deidara lend into the warmth that Itachi supplied " Itachi " mumbled Deidara getting Itachi attention " i love you " continued Deidara " i love you too " whispered Itachi before he peck Deidara's lips then he brought him into a hug as he too fell asleep 

Naruko and everyone else didn't know what to say, it was an awkward silence  but unlike Naruto, Naruko knew she had to introduce herself " ay yes " mumbled Naruko a tint of pink made it to her checks but it caught everyone attention even Tsunade who was sitting on the love seat " hello " said Naruko in a high pitch voice but it caused her blush to increase " my names Naruko Uzumaki, I'm 16 years old. I used to attend Konoha High School. As you could tell, my big brother and I are twins. ugh " said Naruko but she didn't know what else to say so she just bow just slightly than she sat down where Gaara was before " you used to go to Konoha High School " questioned Fugaku as Naruko played with the bottom of her jacket while she bit her lips " well you see " said Naruko as she wave both her hands in the air but it caught the attention of Mikoto who grabbed both hands 

Mikoto looked confused " wasn't she injured " thought Mikoto as she looked closely at Naruko's hand " is there a problem " asked Naurko " shouldn't you have scars on your hands " mumbled Mikoto making Naruko eyes widen as she pulled away " i don't have scars. i think you're confusing me with my brother " said Naurko as she looked away but how did someone she didn't know, know about what supposed to happen to her so she eye Mikoto up and down in a suspicious  manner but the whole conversation got both Fugaku and Tsunade attention " you're brother " questioned Fugaku as he raised an eyebrow " yea! he got hurt a while back " explained Naruko as she glance to the side but she made eye contact with Tsuande who gave a small smile for support while Fugaku and Mikoto waited for Naruko to continued 

Naruko looked down at her hands that was placed on her lap " well i never had any luck in school " said Naruko as she unconsciously reach for her hair " in school there's always someone who doesn't like anyone and would make other students life horrible if you didn't follow them. " continued Naruko making Mikoto and Fugaku look at each other then back at Naruko " there'e a gang like in school and they made me a target of their bullying " explained Naruko making Mikoto and Fugaku eyes widen, now everything made sense " you're brother is pretending to be you in school and he got hurt in the progress, didn't he " questioned Mikoto " yes! he got hurt because of me. i didn't want him to get hurt " cried Naruko as she brought her hands up towards her face as she cried in them. Mikoto felt Naruko's pain but she understood why Naruto did what he did because Itachi would had done the same thing if Sasuke was ever in Naruko position  

Mikoto went to hug Naruko who kept crying " you have an amazing big brother " said Fugaku as he sat back while he cross his legs " i know! he's the best " said Naruko as she looked up with tears rolling down her checks while she smiled so brightly. After everything was done and over with, Naruko was using Nagato laptop but she looked troubled " we have a problem " said Naruko as she bit her lips but it got everyone attention " what's wrong " asked Tsunade as she sat up but she groan in the progress " remember at the end of the video when it started counting down from 24 hours " said Naruko but she made sure everyone nodded their head " it's no longer 24 hours! it started at an 1 hour and it's at 53 seconds now " continued Naruko as she turned the computer so everyone could get a better look but it only made their eyes widen while Mikoto just got teary again and Naruko went to call her brother about the news 

Naruko stared at the screen as the second kept going down but she realized something everyone else didn't " where's the bodyguard that was protecting your son " questioned Naruko as she looked up at the Fugaku and Mikoto but it only got them thinking about their whereabout. Fugaku didn't know how to respond and neither did Mikoto " judging by the dad expression, they're not here so it must mean, they have something to do with the kidnapping " thought Naruko as her brain got to working " how did you hire these guys " asked Naruko in order to get more information " well our head security recommend them " said Fugaku but right when he finished his sentence, the lights turned off making everyone stand up in a panic " this isn't good " thought Naruko as she took her 9mm pistol from her holder that was placed on the right side of her waist band

Naruko slowly walked towards the window as her gun was facing downwards towards the floor. Everyone was waiting to see what was happening when they saw Naruko make a silence motion with her left hand before she reach for the curtains but once she lifted the curtains just a bit, what she saw made her eyes widen before she backed away " we got company " was all that  Naruko said as she pointed the gun towards the small hallway that led to the front door

........................ TO BE CONTINUED 

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