"Disarm your weapons!" Optimus sternly orders.

When Ironhide doesn't listen Optimus gives him a stern glance. Finally he does as he's told and the gun returns back to his servo. Optimus turns to Bumblebee and Raven. Raven tenses as he gets closer to her, Optimus notices and halts in his steps and instead kneels down to the ground.

"There is no way that I am letting you hurt that man!" Raven says confidently, at least she hopes her voice isn't shaking. Pointing her one finger towards the man who is slowly getting smaller and smaller.

"We never intended on hurting him." Optimus's voice boomed. Raven suddenly feels so small and helpless, how could she be so stupid to jump into this situation without calling for backup first.

"Then what were you going to do." Raven asks.

"We were going to try and reason with him, so he would see the truth."

Optimus glances over to Bumblebee, who meets his gaze his systems obviously working hard to try and cool himself down. Optimus can hear his cooling system from where he stands. "Now I will try to reason with you." Optimus points to Raven. "You're not of this planet and yet you choose to protect its inhabitants. We are the same, our planet was taken by a Great War." Optimus looks to the ground, Raven can feel sympathetic because she knows what it's like to lose everything. Optimus looks back up. "I can tell you've seen a great deal for your age. The way you look at us with your eyes. We came here because this planet needs us, there is an object called the All Spark in which the humans have obtained. We need to get it before our enemies, the Deceptions, do."

"Why are you telling her all this?" Ratchet asks but doesn't receive an answer.

Raven thinks about it, there's turmoil in her head, she looks back to the running man, and then to Bumblebee. She allows her fire to burn out, but she remains cautious, Bumblebee lets out a relieved whir from the disappearance of heat, Raven tenses again but reluctantly she gets off of his chest plate, in which he takes the opportunity to stand back up again. "Listen, we need to stop that man from telling your army." Optimus looks to Raven as he stands up he looks to the rest of his group. Raven turns, she can't see the man anymore, but she knows where he's gone. If anything he's going to go to the nearby road and get a ride back to the city, she bites her lip as she looks back to the robots. Optimus can tell she's trying to decide whether to trust them or not but he doesn't have the time to let her think about it.

"Autobot's, let's go." Optimus orders.

"Wait! Wait..." Raven yells before they can do anything. "Just... let me talk to him... and if you do anything that shows me I can't trust you I will make sure you never see the light of day again." Raven again hopes she sounds more confident than she feels.

Optimus nods before the bots turn back into their vehicle mode. They start driving away and she takes to the sky. She stays low to the ground, right above Optimus roof, she quickly takes the lead as she knows that the man will go to the road, she takes an abrupt turn and the Autobot's don't quite realize where she's going. Not towards the city... They're going to have to trust her, like she trusted them. A few moments and the vehicles are on her tail again, she gives a quick glance under her wing to make sure they're all there.

I can't believe I'm doing this... chasing after an innocent man with a bunch of living vehicles. What would Kim think, should she even tell Kim? Maybe this secret was best kept. Raven doesn't have much time to think when she sees the man come into view, she signals to the Autobot's to stop, and thankfully they listen. Raven continues on and circles around the man so she can land in front of him. She comes to a sliding stop in front of him almost tripping on a smaller rock, not one her most graceful moments. The man stops in his tracks, sweat beading his forehead, his short curly brown hair sticking to his forehead, he pants under the heat. It's at this moment that Raven realizes he's a boy, not much older than her.

"Just calm down ok. Nothing is going to happen to you. Your safe."

"Ph—Phoenix?" The boy asks questioningly.

"Hi." Raven lifts her hand and gives a small smile in greeting.

"What... what are those things." The boy asks, catching his breath.

"Umm, those, yes... those were Autobot's? At least I think that's what he said..."

"You don't know."

"No actually I don't, but I don't think they're here to harm us. They would've already done that. They're friendlies, just like me... I hope..." Raven adds the last bit under her breath.

A few moments of awkward silence reaches the conversation as the boy tries to gather his thoughts. "What's your name?" Raven asks.

"Oh, I'm Leo."

"Nice to meet you Leo." Raven holds out her hand and he takes it, she gives it a firm shake. "So, I need to ask you of something, you can't tell anyone of their existence before they tell the humans themselves. It's important that nobody knows yet. Alright?"

Leo nods quickly. He looks over to the bundle of colours a little ways away, the rising heat distorting them. Raven doesn't even know why she's helping these things, she's doesn't normally easily trust but something about this feels different.

"Well I'm going to go back." Raven said giving a gesture of her head towards the vehicles. "Would you like to come?" Leo thinks about it for a moment before giving an unsure nod of his head. He follows Raven, and seeing the two coming towards them the vehicles also help close the gap.

"Guys, this is Leo, he's agreed to keep the secret. He'd also like to go back to the car dump though."

Bumblebee turns his radio onto a song singing something about going home. He opens his passenger side door towards Leo. Leo looks at it like a terrified kid. Raven notices, "listen, either you fly with me, or you drive with him. Actually, let me make that decision for you, you're driving with him, we're not there yet." Raven gives him a pat on the shoulder and walks away a little distance, she looks over to Optimus. She doesn't trust these machines any more than Leo does, but if what they're saying is true, she's going to have to work with them to save the city in the near future. Optimus obviously notices, he slightly revs his engine at her before they head back to the car dump.

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