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Martina's POV

For the two other class, the time has passed quickly and was pretty good
"Yeah i swear then he just walked away with this bitch" Jasmine said telling me the story of her and her ex
"What a bastard me i would slap him" i said putting my books in my locker and closed it

"Come on I'm hungry as freak" she said grabbing my arm and we walked to the canteen
"Hey Jasmine?" I said while we make our way for grabbing a tray
"Yeah?" She said turning her head to my direction
"I noticed that you have a little accent, where are you from?" I said grabbing a apple and she smiled
"I'm from Colombia actually, i moved here three years ago" she said making my eyes go wide
"Oh wow" i said and she chuckled
"Yeah every time i said that everyone is shocked" he said laughing

We made our way to a table and sit down
"Oh wait i'l gonna grab a water bottle do you want one?" I said and she shake
"No but can you grab me a apple juice?" She said and i nodded
I make my way to the fridge and grab a water bottle and a apple juice

Suddenly i feel a hand on my butt making me drop everything that was in my hands and turned around and slap the person behind me.
The noise of my slap reasoned throughout the canteen bringing the whole canteen attention from where the noise came

I looked at the face that i just slapped and saw that it's was Shawn with his head turning to the right and a red left cheek and his eyes wide open

"WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?" I yelled at him and he just don't move
"Oh my god what the fuck ARE TOU CRAZY OR WHAT?" I yelled pushing him making him strumbing back
"Is it going in your head to touch the butt of a girl ?? you're just a motherfucking perv" i yelled at him and walked away
"I don't want to stay here anymore" i said and just grabbed my bag and walked away
"Wait Martina I'm coming" Jasmine said grabbing her things and followed me

I wanted to open the canteen's door but the principal do it before i can push the door

"What's going on here" she said and the whole canteen just stayed quiet
"This girl just slapped Shawn" a blond girl said pointing at me
"You" she said looking at me
"And you" she said pointing at Shawn
"In my office now." She said and i sighed
Well great it's you first day and you're are already in the principal's office
I sat down at the chair in the front of her office and Shawn sat at the chair beside mine
"Someone can tell me what happened?" She said crossing her arms

"I was grabbing a water bottle and a apple juice when i fell a hand on my butt my first reflex was slapped the person behind me and by chance the person who was behind me was mister perv" i said with a sarcastic tone

"I'm not a perv!" Shawn said defending himself
"Uh sorry? You not a perv?? So for you touch girl's butt its totally normal??" I said scoffing and he roll his eyes
"Okay you two stop now" the principal said
"Mrs Smith she's the one who started" Shawn said and i scoffed
"You're the one who touch my butt and it's my fault?!"
"ENOUGH!" Mrs Smith yelled at the both of us

"Shawn this is not the first time that you end up in my office for this kind of problem" she said and he sighed
"And Martina what did you do was pretty understandable but you know that i can't let it go so both of you will have one hour of detention" she said and we sighed

"Now Martina accompany him to the Infirmary because you didn't miss it with this slap" she said cracking a chuckle, making me giggle and he just send me a dead glare, Shawn place his hand on his cheek and rubbed her
"Come on out now" she said sitting down at her and we walked out of her office to the infirmary

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