Adrien simply nodded and walked over to the table. Picking at his food before leaving for school, he checked his bag for Plagg who sat at the bottom eating his cheese. Seeing the look on the boy's face, Plagg decided to speak up but was interrupted by Adrien's bodyguard.

Getting off at school, Adrien was met with the most beautiful yet painful sight. Marinette was jogging to school, her midnight hair flowing in the wind behind her, and her bluebell eyes sparkling in the early morning sunlight. Adrien's heart fluttered at the sight of the girl but painfully contracted in his chest knowing that it'll be up to him to choose. And imaging the almost always happy girl in tears killed Adrien inside. But he consoled himself knowing that he was yet to make his choice.

"Oh hi, Adrien!" Marinette greeted seeing the blonde boy getting out of his car.

"Hi, Marinette." Adrien waved smiling at the red colour that now tinted the bluenette's cheeks.

Adrien had always known Marinette as a girl to get easily flustered but seeing her today both flustered and with her hair down, Adrien couldn't help but swoon at the sight.

"Um, Adrien?" Marinette asked worry etched in her voice.

"Yes, Pri- Ah! Marinette!" Adrien yelled to cover up his mistake of having let his Chat Noir side slip out just a bit.

Marinette brushed it off as an honest mistake and walked into class with Adrien behind her. Adrien was barely managing to keep a straight face around Marinette now more than ever when her hair bounced on her shoulders with her movements.

"So, you like her?" Asked Plagg poking his head from Adrien's jacket.

"Stay low, Plagg. And no. Not like that. I simply... admire her?" Whispered Adrien questioning himself.

"Boy, you're dumb." Whispered Plagg.

The day went by smoothly although Adrien was finding it hard to concentrate because of the sleepless nights and Marinette sitting behind him.

"Ladybug! Chat Noir! Come forth and fight me!" Shouted a villain from outside the school.

"Alright, kids! Head home for your safety and don't forget to read chapters four and five!" Shouted Miss Bustier ushering the children out of the classroom.

"I have to find a place to transform!" Marinette said opening her purse, running to the locker room.

"Marinette! Where are you going?!" Alya shouted seeing Marinette running away.

"Oh! I think I forgot my books in the locker room." Lied Marinette.

"Forget the books! Go home! I'm going to catch Ladybug and Chat Noir in action today!" Cried Alya dragging Marinette outside.

Pushing Marinette in the direction of her house, Alya ran off.

"That girl..." Sighed Marinette walking home deciding to transform in her room.

"Ladybug! Where are you?! Screamed the villain stomping on the ground.

Marinette looked up and saw Ikari Gozen trampling everything that lay in her path. Marinette watched as Alya ran towards the villain to get a better angle for her videos on the Ladyblog.

"Alya!" Marinette cried seeing Ikari Gozen lower one of her hands to capture the girl.

Without any hesitation, Marinette ran towards her best friend who wasn't paying any attention to what was going on.

"Move!" Screamed Marinette, her efforts in vain.

Marinette barrelled towards the brunette and pushed her aside just as the villain's hand hit the spot where Alya had been standing just a few seconds ago. Marinette collapsed to the ground, her right knee taking the force of the fall while Alya rolled over to the far end of the road.

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