CHAPTER 16: Dasvidanya!

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While Gyehyeon was pouring out his feelings for Yeonho an uninvited guest decided to show up.

"Seriously Alfred they were having a moment", Minchan sighed, as Kangmin gets off him.

Alfred looked lost and tried to fool everyone by closing the door again but Jaeyun isn't having any of it.

"You ruined a YeonGye moment son of a bitch!!!", He screamed as he chased after Alfred in anger.

Everyone followed him and Minchan detached himself from the IV drip saying he doesn't need it.

"Don't get too excited
Minchan-hyung, we don't want your head bothering you more", Dongheon giggled.

"Yeah pretty hilarious Dongheon", Minchan said back, actually smiling at him.

Dongheon wasn't entirely rejected by Kangmin, but he moved on.

Leading to him falling for Hoyoung.

And the other actually returned his feelings.

It's all thanks to their ship fairy Yoo Kangmin himself.

Yes, Kangmin immediately knew that Dongheon liked Hoyoung, he didn't need to ask.

Alfred's joints were slowly giving up on him as he forgot to take a potion earlier and just went off because he was excited to kill Minchan in his sleep.

He forgot that the sorcerer will most probably have company.

What an idiot really.

"This is gonna be fun", Jisu cackled, seeing Alfred trip at nothing.

"A fucker desperate for revenge, you are also an idiot like Chan-hyung, but guess what, he somehow has a brain that works", Yeonho said, looking back at Minchan who just sighed.

"What he's got a point", Gyehyeon giggled, noticing how his cousin was glaring at him.

Alfred then called for back-up.

His entire squad then appeared helping him get up.

"Wow, you actually have friends", Jeyou smirked.

Alfred's squad did a stupid pose and everyone was on the floor dying from laughter, Minchan was clutching his stomach while laughing as well.

"Goodness, did you really come here to embarass yourselves?", Hoyoung said, wiping a fake tear.

Alfred's squad then stood up properly.

"We are not one to be messed with, don't belittle the power of technology", a girl said.

"Oh Sandy, don't make me laugh", Minchan said, attacking first, his shot actually hit her in her right arm.

"I thought I sent you to the troposphere", Yongseung sighed as he started attacking Alfred.

Then we all know what happens next.

Poor sleeping souls and hospital staff to wake up to a messy area.

Alfred's squad is good but it isn't really obvious because of the shameful things.

This time, Kangmin joined Minchan in his bullcrap. Because he won't let his hyung die from stupidity alone.

And because he loves him very much.

"This is one thing I didn't expect to happen", Yeonho giggled. Seeing the youngest join Minchan in chasing Sandy who was cowardly flying away.

"I want to join in this", Dongheon said, running after them.

"We are the revolution!!!", He added, screaming like a chicken after. Hoyoung sighed and went after his boyfriend.

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