Chapter 1

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Hinata's POV~

I slowly woke up in a white and clean room and I heard confusing muffled voices. I tried to focus on what they were saying and to open my eyes.
I noticed three figures talk to each other, then they saw I was awake.
"SHOYO!!", one of the three figures said loudly.
"Nii-chan, you finally woke up!" the other small figure cried with a worried voice.
Finally my eyes started to focus and I recognized two of them. My mom and my little sister were next to one old woman, who was wearing a... nurse uniform?
"Mom, where am I and who is she?"
"Sweetie, you're in hospital and she's the nurse who has taken care of you"
When I tried to sit up, my head started to hurt badly, so I just stayed in the bed laying down.
"If you want to excuse me, I'll go to call the doctor". After that the nurse exited the room.

A few minutes later the doctor entered the room and started to check up on me.
"Do you remember why you're here?" the doctor asked me in a soft tone.
When I tried to remember, my head started to hurt again. The imagine of the rooftop came in my mind, but nothing more, so I shook my head.
The doctor nodded and told me to rest a little, before he leaving the room to talk to my mother.
My eyes were still really heavy, which made me close them and quickly fell asleep.


Hinata's mom's POV~

When we left the room, we started to talk about Shoyo's conditions. Natsu was still inside the room to check on her brother.
Both of us agreed to not said anything to him about what and especially why all of this happened... At least not now. He's suffering a lot and maybe it's better for him to forget all of that.
But even if I don't want to upset him, I have to tell him at least about his conditions and I know he won't be happy...
Before entering the room I called my husband to find a solution and he quickly answered to the phone...

Hinata's POV

After a few hours I finally woke up. Next to me there were my mom, Natsu and my dad.
When he saw me open my eyes, he asked me with a sweet worried voice: "How are you feeling, dear?"
"I'm feeling much better, dad." I gave him a small smile, then we talked together for a bit.
A few minutes later, my parents exchanged knowing glances, then my dad let out a small sigh.
"Shoyo... The doctor said that there aren't serious injuries, except for your leg. You'll be able to walk in 1 or 2 months, but you won't be able to play volleyball. I don't know if it's permanently or not..."

... My world started to crush in pieces as I opened wide my eyes. 'What?! I can't play volleyball anymore?! This is only a joke, a bad one, right?'
My family's eyes were so serious and sad that I understood they weren't kidding me. Without notice it, tears fell down on my cheeks and I clenched my fists, looking down at the bed sheets, when my dad started to talk again.
"... We know how much you love volleyball, so we talked and we thought of a solution.
In Hyogo there is a famous doctor who may have a cure for your leg. There is a possibility that you can begin to play volleyball again in less than a year. I had a promotion and my office was moved in that place, so all of us can transfer there. What do you think about it?"
At first I was shocked, but a few seconds later I nodded quickly and thanked them with tears, this time, of joy. 'I'm so lucky to have this family'
Natsu jumped in joy, glad to the idea of making new friends and having a new school, and my parents smiled at us.
I hope you liked the first chapter, I'm not so good at writing stories. :3
I'll review when I get some time, please tell me if there are some mistakes, so I can adjust them.

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