2 - "Who's There?"

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Trafalgar Law POV

'What was that dream all about?' Law thought to himself as he walked around the deck of the Thousand Sunny, unable to go back to sleep. 'Is it because I'm headed to where Doflamingo is? All these memories of Cora... Where we're going has been messing with my mind more than I thought. It's been so long since I've had that nightmare.'

Trying to clear my head from it, I picked up my sword and walked around the ship for some fresh air. I heard some voices talking and didn't know that anyone else was awake at this time. Nearing the place where I heard talking, I then realized where I was headed.

'If they find me out here they will get the wrong idea.'

Before walking away I overheard part of the conversation.

"...Is the alliance that was formed for this reason then become null? Will we have to go against Law and his crew one day after? I don't think that I could do it. I'd be sad if we were enemies on different sides."

'Are they talking about me?'

I paused to listen to more, not sure if I should eavesdrop on their conversation. It wasn't like me to do something like this.

"I can't say for sure, but he hasn't done anything that would make me think he would turn his back on us." Robin's voice answered.

"Yeah I don't think things would happen that way either. Especially with you around." Nami said.

'What?' My curiosity got the better of me.

"What do you mean?"

"Come on it's not like we didn't notice." Nami said.

"Was it supposed to be a secret?" Robin asked.

'Are they really...?'

"Am I missing something?"

"You and Tra-Guy. Did you think we didn't know?" Nami asked. "Let's talk about it."

Hearing what they were talking about, without knowing that I was right here... I didn't know whether I felt annoyed by it... Or intrigued.

"No. There's nothing going on. What even makes you think there is?"

'Is this really okay to listen to this? She's not going to say anything that I don't already know. She'll laugh at the idea. It's complete nonsense. I could walk away right now and they would never know that I was standing right here.'

"You're the only one that can hold a conversation with him. You two sure seem to get along ever since Punk Hazard." Robin said.

Hearing that made me pause. My mind wandered in those memories of that snowy place.

'It was snowing when I lost Cora on Minion Island... And it was snowing when I first met her back in Punk Hazard.'

"Are you saying you don't find him the least bit attractive?" Nami asked.

My ears perked up at that question and I wondered what the answer could be.

"Yeah. Wait! I mean... No! It's not like that!"

'Yeah... No? Which is it?'

"It's not like that... I mean, he wouldn't..."

'The way her voice sounded, it seemed almost like she was sad about it?... Why don't they just ask me instead of making things so complicated for the both of us?'

"Hey, you're still awake? Did you need something from Nami?" A new voice suddenly joined in, making me jump.

I looked over to see the little raccoon dog of the Straw Hats and quickly urged him to shush. He looked up at me in confusion at first but then heard the voices coming from the room and raised an eyebrow towards me.

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