5 - "I Can't Forget"

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"What is it that Chopper shouldn't tell me?" I asked Law once more, earning no answer from the man.

We stood there for a moment longer until I let my arms relax to my sides and let out a long sigh.

"All right. I guess I shouldn't have expected an answer." I said, turning away from him. "Fine. I won't bother you about what I heard, so don't worry about it."


Reaching out to grab my wrist before I could walk away, I was surprised. Turning back around to face him, he quickly let go of my wrist but I didn't attempt to leave again. He didn't say anything right away, as if he was caught off guard by his own sudden outburst. He broke eye contact to stare at the ground, and took in a deep breath.

"Look, I don't think it's any surprise to anyone that I'm not good with words... Much less with people. But I don't want you to misunderstand me." He said.

"Are you trying to say what I think you are?" I asked, making him look back up at me.

"...Yes. An apology for the way I've been acting lately." He said, taking a step back to lean on the table behind him and cross his arms over his chest.

"I don't get what made you start avoiding me all of a sudden though. What confuses me even more is that Chopper seems to be involved in this kind of situation?"

"Guess the little raccoon dog was right. You have a right to know." He said with a short shake of his head before he continued. "A few days ago... Well, it wasn't my intention to overhear, but I know what you and the other two were talking about that night."

Hearing him confess that, I felt my face immediately heat up and my eyes widened as I took a step back from him. My heart began racing, not able to hide my shock.

"No way!" I said in disbelief, not knowing what else to say to that.

"Since then, I admit it's been on my mind. The reason he knows is because he covered for me that night so you wouldn't see me." Law revealed, which reminded me of hearing the thud on the door and Chopper telling us he had a nightmare. It all added up, everything made sense now that the truth was out.

Feeling extremely embarrassed, I tried to come up with some sort of excuse but nothing came to mind.

"T- that's just... I mean, um, you were never supposed to know... Still, I don't want you to think less of me because you found out. I never planned on saying anything, so you and the Captain can work together without such nonsense getting in the way. This shouldn't affect the plan and the alliance, right?" I asked, worried about what his answer may be.

"I, uh..." He seemed like he was at a loss for words.

It became quiet between the two of us again and that moment seemed to last forever. Unable to stand the silence any longer, I spoke up first with my voice higher than I intended with how nervous I was.

"C- can't you just forget all of that and pretend that you were never there that night?" I asked, hopeful that he'd take on that suggestion.

Clearing my throat with a cough, I looked back at him as I awaited his answer.

"I can't do that. I can't forget what I heard you say." He said bluntly, making me cover my face with both my hands to hide the reddened color on my cheeks from him.

Standing up fully from leaning against the table, Law took a step forward towards me.

"I'm sorry." I said in reaction. "Having such a well thought out plan and then having it ruined like this. It must be irritating to work with someone like me... I've just been too reckless with my heart, I- I shouldn't have..." I trailed off, just wanting to leave the scene.

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