☞ not a chapter ! ☜

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hi everyone !

i have a couple of things to say, the first being thank you !

i did not expect this much love and attention for this book, in all honesty i started it so i could write cute wholesome shots in class when i get bored, but i've seen such overwhelming support for this book, and i just have to say thank you all so so much ! it really means a lot to me, so one more time, with feeling, THANK YOU !!!

secondly, i am so so sorry for not updating as much this week- a crazy heat wave hit california this week, and i haven't been motivated to do anything other than sleep, and watch dream and george's streams. however, i will give you a sneak peek for a shot i'm working on right now:


You flickered your gaze up from your phone to see a beautiful young man staring at you, his steely grey gaze flicking over your features. You smiled at him, and his eyes immediately darted away from you, as he ran a hand through his blond locks. You shrugged, and turned back to your phone. It was about three minutes until you were supposed to be inside, so you pocketed your phone, and began to climb the rickety stairs. You heard footsteps behind you, and glanced back to see the same blond man on your heels. As you both reached the landing, you stuck out your hand and offered a grin. 


badabing badaboom babeyyy ! i won't give you any context, but i just wanted to show y'all that i haven't completely given up on this book :)

finally, the last thing i want to talk about are requests. i used to say to please leave them in the comments, but instead, i would prefer them to be more detailed: ie; the kind of shot you want (angst, smut, fluff, or a combination), what you want to have happen, and something unique to the shot that you want in it, if you have one. feel free to leave the detailed request in the comments, or if you want it to be anonymous, feel free to send me a message ! i've also seen some people ask me to continue the hunter highschool AU, so here's a couple questions I have for you guys:

1. should nen be included ?

2. should the kurta massacre follow the manga/anime storyline, or should i come up with a modern alternative?

3. should illumi, hisoka, and leorio be included, and if so, what roles should they play ?

4. any other requests you may have !!

i think that's all from me ! i do have one teensy tiny confession to make... i actually haven't finished the anime or manga series... i'm in the middleish of the greed island arc, and i haven't really had the energy to watch it... im so sorry !! 

ok now i think that's all. again, i really appreciate all the support i've been getting, it means the world to me. thank you all, and have a great rest of your week ! :)


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