daycare downer- ✿

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modern au !! you apply for a job at the local daycare... well, i think i'll just let you see what i mean lmao. let me know what you think !! as always, please leave requests and criticism in the comments :) thank you so so much for reading ! it really means the world to me <3


"Alright (Y/N), I think this is the place." Your mother looked up from her phone to the faded building. You stared up at the peeling yellow paint job, and took a deep breath. "(Y/N)." You turned to your mother. "You're gonna do great, okay ? You have a good resume, and you're a pleasure to talk to. I know you'll get the job." She smiled at you, and tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. 

"Thanks, mom. I'll let you know how it goes !" You waved back at her before turning your attention to the large house. The wooden steps creaked and groaned under you. Taking one final deep breath, you pressed the doorbell, listening to the deep humming coming from inside. The door creaked open to reveal an old woman. She smiled at you, her eyes staring kindly at your figure, before sinking into a bow. You returned the gesture, bowing politely. 

"Oh, hello, dear. You must be (L/N)-san, am I right ?"

"Yes ma'am, that's me." You shuffled your feet, while still maintaining your friendly attitude. She ushered you inside. 

"Come in, come in ! It's so nice to meet you !" She shuffled through the house as you followed. The old woman took off her shoes, and you did the same. As she navigated through the house, you learned her name was Yua Hanabusa, but you referred to the kind woman as Hana-san. You followed Hana into a small room with a dark oak table, and a steaming pot of tea. She motioned for you to sit, and you obliged, your knees tucked under you, your weight resting on your crossed ankles. She copied your position, and poured you both a cup of steaming tea. 

"(L/N)-san, I wanted to let you know that we were already going to give you the job, before even looking at your resume. But we still decided to, just to see what experience you have. It says that you have a lot of experience with children ? Can you tell me more about that ?" You nodded eagerly.

"Of course ! Um, when I was younger, maybe ten or eleven, my parents would go to a this little village where a friend lived, and they would leave me with their son. It was a lot different than where I grew up, since the village was so small, and um, I guess everyone was related in some way ? There were always kids causing all kinds of trouble, so I worked hard to keep them under control. Of course, it wasn't a professional job, but I learned a lot about the kids, and how to deal with especially rowdy tricksters." You giggled at the memory. "I really enjoy spending time with kids, and I love to play with them." Hana smiled kindly at you. 

"You said you did this when you were ten or eleven ? And how old are you now ?" 

"I turn 18 in a few months." She nodded. 

"Well, (L/N)-san, like I said before, we have already decided to give you the job, I just wanted to scope out what kind of a person you are, and it seems like you are a capable, kind, beautiful young woman, and we will be thrilled to have you working here." You blushed at her kind words. "We still need to interview one more applicant, but the estimated start date is about three weeks from now. Does that work for you ?" You nodded eagerly. 

"Yes ! A-absolutely ! Thank you so much for this opportunity !" You bowed respectfully, squealing internally. 'I did it ! I got the job !'


I paced around my room anxiously. Today was my first day at the daycare center, and I was sweating bullets. I checked my bag for the hundredth time, making sure I still had everything. 'Phone, keys, wallet, notebook, snacks, water, headphones, books, papers-' Everything was there, and yet, I still felt like I was missing something-

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