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(Disclaimer: All art used in this book is owned by its respective artists, young justice and batman beyond belong to DC Comics)

Name: Jack McGinnis

Age: prologue: 18, current: 16
(I'll explain later)

Hight: 6'4"


Likes: The team, Ace, The League, fighting crime, Robin, Artemis, technology,

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Likes: The team, Ace, The League, fighting crime, Robin, Artemis, technology,

Dislikes: Criminals, Villians, The Joker,


Suit is made of advanced nanotech,alowing it it mold to fit to the wearer but to move,fold,and be stored like fabric when not in use

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Suit is made of advanced nanotech,alowing it it mold to fit to the wearer but to move,fold,and be stored like fabric when not in use.


Superhuman Strength, agility, and endurance :
Advanced servo-motors multiply the suit users strength, agility, and endurance 10 to 1 without extraneous effort.

Fighting styles:
Jack learned a lot from Bruce, Bruce taught him bits of judo, tie quando, and karate, he also knew how to fight pretty well on his own from the small stint of when he was a delinquent and spent 3 months in Julie Hall. He also will fight dirty if he needs to. A common tactic he uses is to talk a lot to distract and a boy his enemies to cause them to drop their guard and make mistakes.

A pair of deployable wings and built in rocket boots allow for gliding and flight with or without wind.

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