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The next few days the little family just spent together. Nick stayed with Des and Meridee at the apartment and they spent Meri's birthday, doing all the things she likes. First they went to the park, then they went to the store and let Meri pick out any toys she wanted (Nick treated of course), and then they went back to the apartment and baked a cake.

"Mommy, I want the spoon." Meri bobbed up and down. Desiree was putting the finishing touches on their little lopsided birthday cake. It was definitely not professional, but it was cute and made with love.

"Okay Babes, I just have to finish the top of the cake and then I'll let you have the icing off the spoon. Can you wait patiently for me to finish please?" Desiree asked and Meri nodded quickly and waltzed to the other side of the island where Nick was scrolling through his phone.

Nick noticed his daughter at his legs and got an idea. He grabbed the toddlers hand and led her back around the counter. He silently counted to three and quickly swiped the spoon from Desiree's hand and placed a dollop of frosting on the tip of her nose. He then handed Meri the frosting covered spoon, much to the girl's delight.

"Nick! I wasn't done! And now I'm gonna start breaking out." Des rolled her eyes and huffed.

"I'm sorry mamas. Don't Worry I'll get the frosting off." Nick smirked and just ended up smearing it into her face more.

"Nick! Stop!" Des screamed as Nick clogged her pores with the sticky substance (pause). Desiree wouldn't go down without a fight though; she tried as hard as she could to wiggle from Nick's grasp and eventually managed to smear a bit of frosting on his face.

"Nick okay stop, I need to wash this off my face." Des whined. Nick still had her arms in captivity, but of course he was careful not to be too tight.

"I gotchu Ma." Nick smirked and leaned into Des' nose preparing to lick the sweet treat off his girl.

"No! That's so nasty." Desiree faked gagged. "Now I really need to go wash my face. Your stank breath germs on me." Des wiped off her cheek with the back of her wrist.

"That's foul Des. I brushed my teeth this morning." Nick rolled his eyes. He picked up Meri, who was blissfully licking a spoon that contained the cake topping, and sat her on his lap.

"The only thing foul is your stankin' ass breath Nick." Des chuckled. He just made it too easy sometimes.



The rest of the night was pretty blissful.  The little family sang happy birthday to their baby girl, blew out the candles and watched Disney plus until the toddler was knocked out.

"I don't understand how you can say the Phineas and Ferb movie is better than the Proud Family movie, bruh."

"Nick it's simple, the plot of the Phineas and Ferb movie is way better, cuz for one there actually is one, and the Proud Family movie was all over the place. I really couldn't tell you what that movie is about."

"What are you on?! It's a classic girl. And how you gone say the Proud Family Movie plot is all over the place when Phineas and the crew was hopping dimension like it wasn't no tomorrow."

"Nigga I- That was the point!" Desiree outstretched her hands in exasperation. It was unclear how the couple got into this strange topic of debating over cartoons, but nevertheless Nick and Des were both just satisfied spending time with each other.

"Whatever man. Agree to disagree on that one. But I still stand by what I said that Dora is Meri's favorite show on Nick Jr."

"Nick how many times do I have to tell you you're buggin? It's shimmer and shine, period." Des folded her arms, a smug expression clear on her features.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2020 ⏰

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