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Desiree was able to avoid the awkward conversation for awhile. She was able to avoid Nick and his questions all the way until they got back to LA. It was a quiet car ride and the tension was thick. In the front sat Zion and Nick quietly bopping their heads along to the soft low playing music exuding from the speakers.

"You want me to drop you off first, Des?" Zion asked about to get off the exit.

"Oh yeah. That's fine." Desiree snapped from her daze. She realized she hadn't told Wes she was back in town. She quickly sent him a text that he didn't reply to. All he did was leave Desiree on Read, which gave her an unsettling pit in her stomach.

"You okay Des?" Nick glanced at the girl through the rear view.

"Yeah I'm fine." The girl simply said. Truth is she was worried that Wes hadn't said anything because he was never one to hold his tongue.

As Zion turned into the parking lot of her complex, Desiree's heart began to quicken. She was surprised to see Wes' car parked in its usual spot. He was here. He must be upset there is no other reason why he'd be there. Desiree had to act now. If not now she may never get out of the toxic relationship she's in. Meri couldn't be there though.

"You want me to come up with you?" Nick asked.

"N-no." Des stumbled. She needed to calm herself as to not seem to suspicious. "I got it, but... can you do me a favor."

"Sure, what it is?" Nick questioned the girl. He couldn't quite read her face; it was a mix of things. Fear, sadness, anger, eagerness. He didn't quite know, but it intrigued him nonetheless.

"Can you take Meridee tonight? There's something I need to do... with Wes." Des involuntarily held her head down after saying this. Nick was a little hurt especially after being so honest with her just the night before. But he would support Des and Meri no matter what. So, even though he was reluctant he agreed to take Meri.

"Ugh. So, you're telling me I'm not gonna be able to get to sleep tonight?" Zion rolled his eyes.

"Would you shut up Z? You know you go to bed at 3AM and keep Meri up by screaming at your TV all night." Nick scolded.

"Which is what I should be able to do because five guys in their early twenties shouldn't have to worry about accidentally waking a baby up." Zion argued back. He was being extremely outta pocket today.

"Well..." Desiree interrupted the boys. "I gotta go. Zion please don't keep my child up all night, and Nick..." Desiree almost said it. I love you. It almost slipped out because she still did and never stopped. But she couldn't do this now, she had other business first. Soon enough though, she'd let him back in.

"Yeah?" Nick asked looking back at Desiree, who was just kind of staring at him.

"Oh, uh nothing. I was just gonna say thank you."

"Didn't I tell you that you don't have to always thank me every time I watch her."

"I know, but still. I hope you know I appreciate you." Des smiled softly and Nick returned the gesture.

Desiree pulled her luggage out of the trunk of the car and made her way upstairs... it was time to face the giant...

Des inserted her key into the door slowly turning it open. She expected to see Wes immediately. Waiting on her like a Bond villain would. But he was no where to be found. She checked the living room and the kitchen... then finally saw that her bedroom door was left a bit cracked. Definitely not how she left it.

Desiree carefully opened the door to her bedroom revealing a sleeping Wes. He was shirtless only dawning a pair of sweatpants, the same ones he had on the last time Desiree had seen him. She looked at him for a moment, enjoying the silence before the chaos.

Desiree shook Wes' shoulder waking him up. Wes sprung up in surprise, but soon got a stoic expression when he saw Desiree's face. Desiree has her arms folded. She hadn't figured out what she was going to say to Wes, but she had to end it with him.

"Wes we need to talk." Des looked down at the man.

"Yeah we do." Wes said lowly. He got up and brushed passed Des and went into her living room.

"Where are you going Wes I said we need to talk."

"I know what you said I'm not fucking deaf."

"Then where are you going?!" Wes stayed silent. "Wes listen to me!"

Suddenly Wes quickly snapped back around towards Desiree and took her face in his hands.

"Why are you doing this to me Des? Can't you see I love you. Can't you just be happy with me. I'm all you need. It's obvious that he's just trying to take you away from me!" Wes yelled.

"W-Wes... p-please calm down." Desiree had fear in her eyes.

Wes let go of Des abruptly, allowing her to fall to the ground with a hard thud.

Wes started pacing back and forth. His hands furiously raking against each other.

"I need to go." Wes crosses to grab his things.

"No Wes this isn't fair. Every time you do this to me you up and leave. Leaving me feeling helpless. I'm tired of your games. We're fucking done Wesley!" Desiree shouted tears staining her cheeks.

Wes stopped at the door at Des' last words. "Is that what you really want?" The man asked quietly.

"Yes Wes I told you to fucking leave. Leave and never come back you asshole!" Desiree shouted.

And with that Wes was gone and Desiree was left by herself again, the only thing different was a weight felt lifted off her chest. Desiree couldn't be alone right now though, she needed to be with her family.

Lo's Hoes
I know y'all happy asf she done with Wes. I was ready to get rid of him too 😭 I hope u liked the chapter comment and vote if you did 😁

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