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But It's never just one date when it comes to people like Wesley now is it? One date turned into two, and two turned into four and before Desiree even knew it Wes was charming his way into her life.

It was about a month since Wesley and Desiree officially started dating and Des was really loving the attention, but was not ready to be so serious so fast, but Wes had other plans.

"Baby." Wes looked down at Des who was laying on his chest. They were cuddled up in Desiree's bed watching some Netflix as they usually did when Des has a day off.

"Yes?" Desiree's voiced raspy and tired.

"How come whenever I come over to your place it's just you?"

"Well who else would you expect to be here?" Des chuckled a bit.

"You do remember you have a daughter, right?"

"Yes, but she also has a father who I'm fortunate enough will take her on these days that I want to be with you." Desiree leaned up and kissed Wes, but he soon pulled back.

"Well don't you think I should meet her eventually?"

"What are you talking about you have met her?"

"Two minutes in a parking lot doesn't count. I mean properly. Y'know what if things start to get serious with us and then turns out she doesn't like me." Wes got a faraway look in his eyes.

"Uh, serious? We haven't even been dating that long-"

"Baby it's been a month. Don't you think its time?" Wesley grabbed under Des' chin and looked into her eyes, he usually did this to get what he wanted and Des would never admit it, but it sure as hell worked. It left her speechless even.

"O- okay. Can you take me to pick her up then?"

"Sure let's go now, I have another shoot tonight." Wesley sighed then stretched his arms.

"Ok," Desiree got up and went to go put some clothes on and Wes followed her out of bed. He stopped her before she could reach her closet and grabbed her by the waist.

"But, before we go..." Wesley started kissing her neck, "how about we have another round?" His hot breath tickled her earlobe. Des smiled and bit her lip.
[whew chile]

Nick was chasing Meri around the living room like a monster when he heard a knock on his door.

Nick gasped and caught Meri in his arms. "I think Mommy is here." He said and let Meri go and run to the door. When he opened it he didn't expect to see Desiree standing there with a really good looking guy.

"Hey Baby!" Des said and picked up Meri when Nick opened the door.

"Uh hey." Nick said and there was immediately a thick tension in the atmosphere.

"Oh, hey Nick. Oh um let me introduce you guys, Nick this is Wes and Wes this is my ex, Nick."

Wow that hurt. Not only the fact that Desiree brought her new boyfriend to Nick's house, but also hearing her call him her ex for the first time.

"Nice to meet you man." Wes reaches his hand out to shake Nick's and Nick reluctantly shakes it.

"Are you tryna come in or...?" Nick looks to Des and she just shook her head.

"Nah I'm pretty tired, I'm just ready to go home and chill. Thank you again Nick."

Nick just chuckled. "Des you don't need to keep thanking me every time I watch Meri. I'm her dad, it's what I'm supposed to do." Nick smiled. No one saw but Wesley rolled his eyes. He could tell Nick wanted Des, but he wouldn't let that happen. Desiree would be his and no one else's, meanwhile Nick was thinking the same thing.


Nick drove for a while to clear his mind. He found himself making his way to a small house that had a familiar car parked in front of it. Easily he let himself in the house. He stopped in the living room to say 'hi' to the new mom and her baby and to ask where Austin was.

Nick opened the last door on the hall and let himself into Austin's paint room/study. Nick sighed heavily and flopped down onto Austin's couch.

"Um... hello?" Austin cocked an eyebrow. "Welcome to my home. Thanks for stopping by?" Austin sounded more like he was questioning the man.

"Yeah, yeah. Thanks Aus."

"Excuse me but, do you knock?" Austin stared at the boy from his desk.

"How do you keep your relationship so good?" Nick said staring up at the ceiling.

"Okay just ignore the question then." Austin rolled his eyes.

"Bro I'm serious. You and Ansley are solid. How do you do it? I mean y'all just had a kid and seem happy as ever." Nick sighed, envying the boy's situation.

Austin turned to face Nick and thought for a second.

"Well for starters I didn't leave her and my kid for two and a half years." Austin said seriously; Nick just squinted his eyes. "And I've never broken her heart before. That can really strain a relationship."

"I know, but I was just a stupid kid back then. If I could take it all back I'd do it in a heart beat. But now this Wesley character is in the picture and I feel like I lost her again, right when things were just starting to get good between us."

"I mean, that's tough but think about it this way. You're Meridee's dad. You're not going anywhere. This other guy, he's just a boyfriend, so you either learn to live with him now in case shit gets serious or you do something about him early on and put yourself back into Desiree's focus."

"Austin..." Nick's eyes lit up. "You're a genius!"

"Yeah I know." Austin shrugged then turned back to his painting.

"Since when are you the insightful one? I usually talk to Edwin about this kind of stuff." Nick asked on his way out of his band mates room.

"I don't know. I just got my shit together recently, this is kind of new for me." Austin nodded to himself, then put his earbuds back in. Nick laughed a bit then went to his car.

Now was the time to map out his plot. Commence operation: Take Wesley Out.

Lo's Hoes
Wes out here simpin. But Desiree likes that shit... I mean Nicks a simp too but... anyway like and comment for me plz. Preciate it! <3 (EDIT: okay... I fixed the whole "Austin and Ansley not having a child" issue 😂 so I hope you guys like this version/continuity  better I tried to change as little as possible! Alright that's it thanks for coming to my tedtalk)

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