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Things slowly returned to... semi-normal. Meri and Des stayed in the Prettymuch house for a few more weeks before Nick finally "allowed" them to go back to the apartment. He said he wanted to make sure it was safe and make sure Wes didn't show up again. That was semi-true, really he just wanted to spend more time with Des. Desiree didn't mind she enjoyed being in a full house and didn't mind sleeping next to Nick every night. She also liked that Meri was getting used to seeing her dad all the time.

Speaking of Meri, Desiree also noticed that she loved being around Nick and his band mates as well. She even started talking more and learning their names. Much to Nick's dismay, that meant instead of calling him Daddy, Meri preferred to call him Nick since that's what she always heard.  She loved Edwin, and got friendly with Zion so she could play with Simba more often. Zion liked to act like it bothered him, but he liked playing with Meri and Simba too. So when Des was working she knew Meri was either hanging out with Nick and the boys, or safe in daycare on the first floor, when they had practices.

Today was their first night back in the old apartment, and it felt cold. Right when Desiree walked in the door she felt the chill of a presence once known within the walls. The last time she'd been in here was the big break up. The spot on her arm where the bruise Wes gave her had been started to flare with a phantom pain.

"Are you sure you're gonna be okay here?" Nick still had his arm wrapped around Des' waist protectively.

"I'll be fine. Just need to do a little cleaning up in here. Get rid of some things, and freshen the place up a bit and we'll be set." Des sighed. Just knowing there were still signs of Wes in the apartment was unsettling her.

"Do you want me to stay tonight?" Nick asked.

"Do you wanna stay the night?" Desiree smirked. She faced Nick and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I mean it's up to you Ma. You want me to stay?"

"Yes Nick you can stay... If you want to." Des teased as a large grin grew on her face.

"Okay fine. I want to stay with you tonight. It'll put me at ease knowing you're safe."

"You put enough precautions on this place, we'll be fine without you here all the time Nick. You still need to live your life, ok?" Des placed her hand gingerly on Nick's cheek. Nick looked into Desiree's eyes lovingly. He wanted her bad.

Nick and Des were definitely getting closer, but Desiree was explicit in the fact that she did not want to rush into a relationship right now. Still she was never one to stray away from "harmless" flirting. What she didn't know was it was driving Nick crazy. All he wanted to do was call her his again, but still he would take it slow for her.

The two snapped from their embrace as they heard the beeping of Meri's toys go off.

Nick cleared his throat as he stepped away. Des awkwardly straightened out her top.

"I'm gonna go clean up... in my room. Watch Meri?"

"Yeah sure. I'll be out here." Nick smiled softly. He watched as the girl he loved walk into her bedroom and close the door. Nick sighed and flopped down onto the couch in front of where his daughter was playing.

"Way to be a cock block." Nick grumbled. He looked down at the little girl who was giggling at him.

"Oh you think this is funny?" Nick chuckled. "Fine then, no boyfriend 'til you're thirty." Nick tickled the baby making her laugh hysterically.


"Meri's asleep." Nick said as he came into Desiree's bedroom. She was laying down scrolling through instagram when Nick walked in. "I'm so tired." Nick flopped down onto the bed.

"Now you know how I felt for the past year. Do you know how sleep deprived I was when she was born?"

"I'm sorry you had to go through that alone." Nick wrapped his arms around Des' small frame and rested his head on her stomach.

"It's not your fault. Except for the fact that you impregnated me..." Des snickered.

"Okay, I get it. My bad."

"Well I can't be mad, you gave me the love of my life. And now you're back in my life and I couldn't be happier." Desiree smiled and ran her finger through his hair.

"I missed you too Ma. I'm so sorry I left  and put you through that. I wouldn't have left if I knew..." Nick trailed off.

"I know. But you're here now. That's what matters." The two sat quietly for a while before Nick blurted our what had been on his mind the past couple weeks.

"I love you Des." He said quietly. Desiree felt the vibration of his voice on her stomach.

"I know." She continued to rake her fingers through his dark brown tresses.

"I really love you. I love you more than I love making music or Italian food."

"Wow. That's a lot." Desiree giggled.

"Des I'm serious." Nick sat up so he was facing her. "I never felt this way about anyone or anything before. No other person has made me feel the way you make me feel. And I swear to you with everything in me that I'll always be here for you and my little girl no matter what. No matter how many other guys you gotta go through until you realize that I'm genuine." He finished his speech and placed a sweet kiss on her shoulder.

"I don't... need to date anybody else. I've always known you were the one for me. Even when we were kids. That's why I took it so hard when you left. I always imagined us getting married and having the house with a white picket fence, you know? With two kids and a little dog named Alfredo." Desiree chuckled as she recalled the fantasy. "But then you left and I thought I'd never find anyone like you again. And then Meri was born and I wasn't focused on dating anyway... but what I'm trying to say is. God brought us back together. And I know the best thing I have is right in front of me." Nick smiled hearing this.

Somehow they both gradually grew closer together until their lips were centimeters apart. Finally Des closed the gap and felt the soft lips she hadn't felt in years and she certainly missed them.

When the two finally pulled away Desiree was the first to talk.

"I love you too."

Those four simple words meant everything to Nick. There was so much meaning behind it. Everything he wanted to hear and know and all the confirmation he needed.

"Desiree Michelle Coleman, will you be my girlfriend?" Nick said all cheesily. Desiree chuckled. It was exactly what he said to her the first time he'd asked her out.

"Yes..." she rolled her eyes. "Just stop saying my middle name." She smiles and cuddled into his chest.

The couple enjoyed each other's embrace and slipped into a blissful sleep.

Lo's Hoes
Yo this chapter was so fucking Wattpad... but I couldn't keep them apart anymore. I hope you like it tho 🥺

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