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Kuat Drive Yards, KDY or Kuat Engineering is the largest and most famous shipbuilding cooperation in the galaxy based on the planet Kuat. During the Galactic Civil War, KDY mainly sold their products to the former Galactic Empire and Galactic Republic previously. Kuat Drive Yards sold to many planetary governments who wanted to protect thier perspective worlds from war or from certain invasion.

Alliance General and engineer Walex Blissex and his daughter Lira were analyzing ship designs and the like when sensors detected The Immortal and a few other ships docking at several bays around the ship yard

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Alliance General and engineer Walex Blissex and his daughter Lira were analyzing ship designs and the like when sensors detected The Immortal and a few other ships docking at several bays around the ship yard.

"Father," Libra said concerned. "They're here."

Walex turned, facing his daughter and turning off the holograms. "I know. I'll be right back, keep the defense droids updated and tell the crew to return to thier quarters at once." Walex explaned walking downstairs.

"Yes, father." Lira continued her work.

Making his way downstairs he saw what seemed like a vesselel from the Eternal Empire days. Before he could show amazement of the ship he saw four faces that were sent to him by Grand Master Kong ahead of time for the mission.

 Before he could show amazement of the ship he saw four faces that were sent to him by Grand Master Kong ahead of time for the mission

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Joseph Kirkpatrick, Aleena Vizla, Jaina Solo Fel, and Jagged Fel along with several Jedi Snipers, Brutes, Mandalorians and many more were sent by Delvargus to halt the Siths advances while he prepares his forces on Arbra and others

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Joseph Kirkpatrick, Aleena Vizla, Jaina Solo Fel, and Jagged Fel along with several Jedi Snipers, Brutes, Mandalorians and many more were sent by Delvargus to halt the Siths advances while he prepares his forces on Arbra and others.

"Welcome to Kuat Drive Yards everybody." General Blissex greeted.

Note: Yeah, time for some spotlight on a few folks(Best I can anyway).

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