Thank you!!!!

530 28 11

Thank you for supporting this story and my first book until now. I never really thanked everyone for making my stories reach 30 thousand reads and 20+ thousand reads... I've just felt overwhelmed with the numbers and my mentality always thought "Shit, there's more people to please" but actually, it just mean many people could provide feedback, enjoy one of my many talents and passions.

In the future, if I don't die yet I have many plans for myself and being an Author and an Architect is something I'll actually pursue. I have many talents and passions and I want to take advantage of that to make something wonderful.

I literally wanna make an All LGBTQIA+ School, even if it's just me designing it, i just wanna take part in it. I'll try doing things like modeling, acting, or even just doing vlogs or art videos just to create my own platform to have a good influence over people.

I'm not really sure how a person like me that has Body dysmorphia will become a model but I know I have the ability to do so. I'm just really not confident with it and since I'm still trying to boost my own mental perception on my own body.

It's been going well and I'm actually finally proud that I gained weight. I won't look at myself in the mirror just to hate myself, I'll now  actually just hug my own fats and appreciate them from allowing them to filter out the true people from the toxic ones.

If you have body dysmorphia like me then appreciate what your fats provide you, YOU CAN GET KIDNAPPED AND THE KIDNAPPER WOULD RATHER PICK SOMEONE ELSE RATHER THAN US! Do you know how much power fat possesses?!?!

If you still don't believe me then remember that out fats will be appreciated by our friends because we be huggable than anything in the world....

And this is also for my skinny people with either fast metabolism or have eating disorders and bulimia.


You can fight them all. I know I'm being overly confident right now and probably just manic but you can believe me still.

Your thoughts ARE JUST THOUGHTS.  If anyone of you are having hard time with panic attacks or anxiety attacks, follow these things because they help me out a lot:

1. Relax your jaw. Drop it if you want.
2. Lay down or sit down but don't sit with your legs folded.
3. If your thoughts are suffocating then don't listen to music, read a book instead. Music doesn't distract us sometimes, sometimes it just adds to the voices and chaos.
4. Try the 4321 method. "Say 4 things you can see, say 3 things you can touch, name 2 things you can smell and 1 thing you can taste.".
5. Instead of taking in deep breathes, inhale two times from the nose and then exhale for a longer time and do it slowly through the mouth.

Since I can't give out presents, I'm giving out actual helpful advice from my experiences.

This book and the others are actually helping my depression and my addiction to caffeine and I'm really happy that I get to see comments from you guys.

If you're ever feel like the world hates you, it's fine. You can make a new world through story writing.

Love you guys!

City Boy   (TodoBaku)Where stories live. Discover now