Chapter 12: unhero-like

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Shoto Todoroki's Point of View:

We were transported to a battle facility where the pro heroes here once trained at. They said if that they wanted us to know they did things around here then we'll be doing it too. I sighed...let me guess....torture hidden as training? I've been doing this so...what changed?

The interpreter said "So Ms. Serpent will start with preparations. She said that she wants us to train with Micheal to test our flexibility and have a few rounds of gymnastics" that was him, Micheal, my old gymnist teacher. He then smiled at us and spoke in English since he was american and was the teacher when I was in america. "Hi everyone, My name's micheal, oh is that you shoto?" He smiled.

I waved and said "Hey, long time no see old man!" I say and he smiled widely. Everyone in class was confused and looked at us. Caitlyn said "sir micheal greeted everyone then said to Todoroki 'is that you todoroki?' And Todoroki said long time no see" she smiled.

They all nodded. "Forgot Todoroki went abroad." Said Midoriya. "Kay everyone warm ups first, then we'll do easy stuff first" said Micheal that was interpreted by Caitlyn.


We did first some stretching, he ised our usual routine back then. Some complained that it hurt but it was pretty easy. Then we did some balancing stuff like putting our leg and putting it on our other leg and we were standing up whild holding our hips. Then we balanced on a balance beam then stretches will be brutal as I recall.

"Okay everyone, one-by-one do a cartwheel through this area" he said and pointing at the marked floor. "Start with you" he pointed to a Uraraka. She was able to do it, almost falling but kept her balance. Everyobe was able to do it except for koda, tokoyami, Midoriya and mineta. The ones that almost fell were kirishima, kaminari and Hakagure.

"Everyone do a double triple then let's add a little summer sault for fun" he grinned. This old man will kill them. "What's a double triple?" Asked kaminari. He demonstrated it and everyone's mouth fell..well of course not me.

((Not my vid but demonstration of how it's done))

I know there'll be more than that. Everyone was afraid to start since the ground was literally just dirt and not anything soft or anything to help us with the fall. "Fine...bring in the platform and the pads" he said as workers began adding them. They were dark blue? Large yet thin pads that were sturdy yet soft. It was a similar material to the ones I had in my training room in the mansion in america. That was alot to say.

People didn't start though still. He laughed and said " do it" he said and some looked at me since he said shoto and the others looked at Caitlyn trying to know what he said. I didn't stand because I didn't like the stares. "Micheal said for Todorki Shoto to do it" she said kinda worried.

I sighed and stood up. We changed outfits earlier but I still kept the jacket for my bandages were still there. "Fine.." I mutter. I spoke to him in english "Later, ask them to use their quirks to help them perform this. Unlike me, they didn't have years of practice" I said while stretching.

Caitlyn overheard and interpret what I said. "Manahimik kaaa" I said dragging the "a". ((It means 'Shut up' in tagalog))  She was only able to understand italian and Japanese. She gave me a confused stare and asked "What language was that?" I sighed "Tagalog, now can I start?" I asked as I finished stretching and jumping a few times.

She looked at Micheal. He asked me "Aren't you gonna remove your hoodie?" He asked. "Don't worry about it" I said and Caitlyn had to interpret that as well. He only nodded and yelled"Kay go!" I ran and threw myself. I was able to perform it in perfect posture and didn't almost fell which he was happy at. Everyone was shocked and I was there was I rolled down my sleeves that were showing only centimeters of the bandages.

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