Singto traced Krist's forehead with his finger, brushing the curls away: "You are already all mine. Becoming my Consort is going to be a lot of work." Krist nodded: "I know but look at the good side. I'll be now forced to be by your side during those royal events. The ones which suck and at which you complain a lot about." Singto grinned and exclaimed: "Yes, you don't get to avoid them now." He then sobered up and said: "Seriously though, that was not a proper way of announcing our wedding. She did that on twitter and while being drunk." Krist poked a finger into his mate's side and retorted: "You have done the same thing with the announcement of our mating." Singto blinked, belatedly realising this fact. "Right. I did." Krist chuckled and continued in saying: "They are going to do an official announcement too. With us present." Discussing about the details of the wedding kept them busy for a while, then Krist stood up and pulled his mate up.

"Time for the reckless prince to go back now.", he said and Singto instantly pouted. Krist rolled his eyes: "You already got more time than you deserved, P. One of your work got re-scheduled but now you need to get moving." Singto crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes at his mate: "It's like you want me to be gone. You don't love me anymore. I crossed oceans for you. To be here with you. And you? What do you do? You ruthlessly push me away. Did you just hear my heart breaking? You broke it into pieces." "Such a drama queen you are, P.", muttered Krist as he walked away. Singto rushed after him, arguing: "A drama prince!! There is a difference!!" "And it is time for the drama prince to have his shower.", said Krist as he pulled his mate into the bathroom. A squeal was heard and then giggles. The prince was thoroughly and deliciously washed for his flight.

His giggles evaporated soon enough when it was time for him to get into the car that would take him to the airport. Krist leaned against him and whispered: "Stop showing me this pout. I am not strong enough." Singto pouted harder. "Can you imagine a little princess looking like you and pouting just like this? That will be too cute.", said Krist dreamily and that momentarily distracted Singto as he placed his hands on his mate's hips. "A daughter? That looks like me?", he whispered in awe. Krist nodded. "I want it.", Singto claimed and Krist burst out laughing. "Why don't you add it to the list you have to give to Santa, huh?", he said a little sarcastically. Singto hugged his mate tight and whispered: "You distracted me long enough. I will miss you, Krist. That week will be too long." Krist hugged him back and said: "I'll miss you too, darling. Why don't you prepare that list in the meantime?" "The babies one?", asked Singto, a little too enthusiastic. Krist laughed and corrected him: "Nopes, the wedding one." 

Hours later, the queen carefully avoided her son's gaze and said: "We'll organise an official announcement as soon as you and Krist are available. Please find an appropriate date for the wedding before the announcement and let us know." "It was Isla who wrote that post on twitter?", suddenly asked Singto and the queen was startled at the turn of the situation. She inadvertently met her son's eyes and inclined her head, saying: "Why do you think that was her doing?" Now it was Singto's turn to avoid his mother's gaze. He shrugged and said: "Because you never called me baby before.." The queen lowered her head and looked at her lap, feeling uncomfortable. "I might have not called you baby once.. But you are my baby.. My son." Singto cleared his throat. "It feels weird when you speak like that." A giggle escaped Mia's mouth and they both froze. Singto stared at his mother in shock. Mia was looking so red with embarrassment.

The queen sighed and squared her shoulders before facing her son properly. "It was definitely me who wrote that post, Singto. I was drunk at that time otherwise it would not have been so improper the way I announced the news. I would have chosen another way. I swear I won't make you embarrassed like this again." Singto stood up and said before he walked away with a smile on his face: "I was not embarrassed. It pleased me to know you are not that heartless as you pretend to be." He took his leave and followed his manager to the van. Once he reached the Gmmtv building, he was soon bombarded by people. He smiled as much as he could and took the gifts he was being offered with a bigger grin on his face. They were accompanied with congratulatory messages that he could briefly check before someone shouted his name and jumped on his back.

You may now kiss the husband!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora