Chapter 20

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Singto sat on his bed, lost in thoughts. He was in his room, not really looking at it even though it had been a while since he came into it. His mind was getting overheated as he thought too much. He got up and looked at his phone. 3 a.m. His stomach growled, reminding him that he missed dinner. He ignored it and walked to his mirror. He stared at his eyes and the terrified eyes of Isla came to his mind yet again. This was torturing him. How would you feel if your own alpha could not claim and some other alpha did? Both lovers were this affected by this event? He nearly shook his head again but then his childhood came to his mind. But his mother never smiled, never laughed. She had kept herself devoted to her rules. Singto had always been trying too hard to get her attention. He closed his eyes and paced his room again. He looked back at his phone, his hand itching to call his omega but he stopped himself. Krist would be asleep at this time. 

However, the feeling that he needed to see him was not getting away. Not since his mother had told him about that. He threw his door open and walked blindly in the corridors. This palace was ridiculously big. He glared at the guards and he rushed the stairs down. He then jogged to his car. He could not stay quiet and still. It was not in his nature. Moreover, he was restless. He needed something. He could feel it. But what? He could not figure it out. He drove aimlessly and found himself right in front of Krist's apartment. He leaned his forehead against the steering wheel, unsure of what he should do now. He had a photoshoot tomorrow morning. He needed to be fresh. He needed to sleep. But he could not. He sighed and got out. He even walked to the door of the apartment. He was coming unannounced. He bit his lip and pressed the doorbell only once. He then paced in front of the door, his head lowered. What was he doing here? What would he tell Krist if ever he came to the door? 

Having no answer to any of his questions, he nearly turned to go back to his car when the door opened and Isla looked at him with wide eyes. She reached out and pulled him inside. She closed the door and whispered to Singto: "Do you know the time it is right now?? What were you doing alone at this hour?? Why is there no bodyguard with you? Mia should know bette-" She then realised her panicked words. She looked at Singto carefully and then asked in concern: "What's the matter, son?" Singto shook his head and just reached out to hug her. Startled, Isla just stayed there, not moving. The prince patted her back, whispering: "I'm sorry.." He then let go and continued to whisper: "Can I go and see him? Please?" The confused Isla just muttered: "He is sleeping.." Singto gave her his most pleading look and Isla sighed. Krist's heat was not over though he was on his medications. She looked at the distraught alpha again and waved him inside.

Singto gave her a grateful smile and walked to Krist's room. Isla watched him go, his shoulders slumped. He even looked back, questions in his eyes but then said nothing as he walked away. Isla shook her head. What had Mia done again to herself and to her son? She sighed and went to her room. She was staying here for the duration of Krist's heat. Singto entered Krist's room and at the sight of his omega soundly sleeping, he finally breathed out, relieved. He went to him and touched his cheek lightly. And the alpha smiled, sitting down to look leisurely at his Krist. He stroked his thumb against his cheek and whispered, his fear coming out: "If mother was just as in love as I am, I can get why she was so devastated when she found out she was betrayed. That her love was mated to someone else. I totally understand her. I don't want to lose you too... I want to mate with you, Krist. I really want to.. I just don't know when.. But you became very important in my life.. to such an extent that I want to be yours only.." He lowered his head against Krist's arm and blinked back his tears. 

He then felt a hand in his hair. He looked up and found Krist smiling sleepily at him. "Look... My Singtuan is here.. What a nice dream.." He cuddled closer to the jacket around him and smiled lazily at his alpha. "I.... have........... everyday.......", he mumbled as his eyes fluttered closed again. Singto could only catch some words and he shook his head, smiling. His cute Krist thought he was dreaming. He leaned over and kissed his forehead. The sweet scent of Krist hit his nose and he took a deep breath. Thankfully, it was much lighter than before since Krist was probably taking his heat suppressants. He chuckled when Krist leaned unconsciously towards him, rubbing his face against Singto's arm. He sat more comfortably on the bed and brushed Krist's hair, waiting for the night to end. It was clear there would not be any photoshoot tomorrow morning. 

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