Chapter 30

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The most awaited news is finally here!!!

You guys guessed it, right?
I mean, come on!!!
It's all over the internet!!!
People are talking about it everywhere!
Our Prince Singto shared a photo with his fiancé Krist with the latter's mating mark well in evidence!
In other words, our dearest couple have mated already!!!!
Some are saying that our impulsive Prince has stricken again.. Mating his fiancé before the royal wedding.. But I would very much like to tell those people to mind their own business because we fangirls, have been waiting for that event!!!
Fangirling apart though, our favourite lovebirds have the right to mate each other whenever they want. We are living in the 21st century, so we need to grow up!! And cheer for them!! It's not everyday that we see that kind of good news all over the internet.

So, we take this opportunity to congratulate our two lovebirds for their mating from the bottom of our hearts! We are all very happy for you!! *Ignore the ones who say otherwise*

Anyways, since we are already here and that I am also too lazy to write up another article, let's focus on the pictures from our fellow friends have sent us.
Yes, the airport pictures!!
I don't know about you guys but I was crying a little when I saw our Prince Singto hug Krist so tightly before he could let him go. According to our sources, Krist is going abroad for the shooting and will be back only after two weeks!!! So, we all can understand why their good byes were a bit emotional. *Get me tissues, please*

We shall miss you, Krist!! Come back soon!


"This is not funny.", muttered Singto, glaring at the snorting Sebastian. The queen stopped pacing the floor and turned to face her son again. "Are you even listening to me?", she snapped. "This is not the way of doing things!! You could have let the news of your mating out after the wedding. I no longer care about what people think but you are the prince, Singto. I raised you with proper manners." Another snort came from the door and Mia turned sharply at the voice. Isla stood there, staring the queen down. "This is ridiculous. Singto did nothing wrong. Kit has been telling me that it's getting harder and harder to hide the mark. People were going to talk about it anyway. So, your son did what he thought best. Why have you not organised for the wedding right after the engagement if you are so proper?"

Singto hesitantly turned to look at his mother and to his astonishment, he found the queen blushing under the stare of Krist's mother. He blinked, once, twice and then reached out to rub his eyes. He re-opened them and looked at his mother again. There it still was, the blushing!! Isla walked into the room and Singto came up his feet. Isla smiled at him and hugged him. "Ignore your stupid mother!", she said as she let him go. "Propriety is in her blood.", she continued in saying as she glared at the queen. Singto smiled a little and then his phone vibrated. His eyes widened and he ran out of the room, shouting: "Good night, everyone!!" Isla watched him go and smiled. "That must be Krist calling him." She turned to face the queen again: "Well, it was not nice to meet you. But I think we'll have to, sooner or later for the wedding." She was about to walk away when she felt someone grab her arm.

Sebastian's eyes widened slightly and Isla shivered. The way the butler lowered his gaze and backed away from the room caused Isla to blush. Did he have to leave her alone like that? "Leave my arm, Mia.", she croaked out. "You were so brave right now, Isla. Why are you not looking at me right now?", asked the queen. Isla tried to tug her arm from the grasp of the queen and retorted back, still not looking at her: "I don't want to look at you." Mia replied, in a mocking voice: "But don't we have to organise the wedding, dearie?" Isla turned to face her with a stunned look on her face: "Dearie?" Ignoring the surprise on the omega's face, Mia gestured towards the chair in front of them and said: "Please have a seat. Planning the wedding of these two is very important. Especially now. Your son should be prepared to become the Consort."

You may now kiss the husband!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin