Chapter Fifteen= Please, No Fighting...

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  • Dedicated to READERS!!!

I'm freaking shocked, so i updated :) 

3067 reads on a story i made on an airplane? Thanks :) Sorry about the last chapter... It was kind of sucky... ON WITH THE STORY


 Lilly's P.O.V.


      It was almost dark, and Luna and Calypso were scouting the area, giving me space to change. The moon started to rise, and i felt a siring pain shoot through me. I bit back tears and feel to my knees. My hands felt like they were breaking and my legs felt like jelly. My back arched and my sight became blurry. I dug my hands into the soft dirt and closed my eyes. Fur started to sprout up my arms and my clothes fell to the ground. Two more minutes of agonising pain, i was fully a panther. I started to walk around, my paws barley making any noise. I heard rustling to my left, so i looked over there, my ears pricking up. The smell of wolf drifted into my nose, and i panicked. I ran off to the right, heading deeper into the forest. Thudding paws echoed my own as i continued to run.  Lilly! Luna's voice filled my head.  Keep running, we'll be there in a minute. Calypso's words soothed me, and i sprinted more. Snarls we're behind me, and my heartbeat went up. I lost track on where i was, besides  the fact i was still in a forest, but where? I have no idea. Suddenly, a rock wall came into view and, it cut off my running. The wolves were on my tail, so when i came to a stop, they corned me. The pack had humor and vengeance dancing in their eyes and i backed up to the wall. 

      A snarl escaped Jake's mouth as he walked closer to me. MY heartbeat accelerated and i i starred back into his brown eyes. A loud, cat snarl took the packs eyes off me and to the large black panthers. Luna and Calypso stood protectively over me and showed their white teeth in a threatening manner. The boys growled back and Luna took fighting stance, and no words could describe the glare she gave them. Jake gave her a look saying Move, or else. Luna snarled back, almost saying Try you dumb dog. Calypso never broke eye-contact with Sam, and she looked calm. Lilly, Luna said,  Run, we can handle them.

No, I said back, No fighting. They''re the pack! We can't hurt them! 

 Luna scoffed.  Yeah, and they just wanted to give you twenty dollars. 

 Can we just go? I pleaded.

No. Luna said firmly.

I glanced at the wolves. They looked like they were ready for a fight. Please, No fighting. i dont want them hurt.

 Luna backed off but still never left eye contact with Jake. 

Run, Lilly. if they follow you, we'll hold them off.

I nodded and started to run to the left. Strangely, the pack didn't follow. I ran to Luna's and calypso's house and climbed up the tree and sat on the balcony.

                                                                *  *  *

 A hand touched my skin. I Tried to fall back asleep, but it was too bright. "Fine." A voice said. " No breakfast for you." Footstep left me and opened my eyes. I was on a bed. In pajamas, and there was a pile of clothes at the end of my bed. I sat up, and headed to the smell of bacon and pancakes. Calypso was flipping pancakes while Luna was bouncing on a red yoga ball. Her black hair flopped up and down and for once, you can see it at its full length. It went down to the middle of her back, while her bangs were parted off the the left for a feather look. Her blue eyes glowed with enjoyment while she was bouncing. " Luna, that's not very mature of you." Calypso scolded. "Who ever said i was mature?" She asked while bouncing. She was wearing black shorts and a cookie monster shirt. Calypso smiled and shook her head. "Here you go Lilly." She handed me a plate of eggs, pancakes, bacon, and OJ. I dug in, taking gulps of  orange juice and watched Calypso clean up the kitchen. Luna abandoned the red ball and started doing cartwheels in the living room. "Lilly," Calypso started,  "When your done, we'll take you home." I nodded and swolled my food. " Yeah, okay." There was a thud behind me and i turned to see Luna rubbing her bum. "I fell." She stated and walked over to the edge of the house. "Bye!!" She said, and jumped out the window.  I ran over to thw window and saw her running to the direction of the Cullen's house. "Typical." Calypso muttered. I turned and saw her retreating figure go back to cleaning. I shrugged and handed Calypso my plate and left to get dressed in the clothes somebody left me. I changed into a blue shirt and black skinny jeans, with black flats. It looks like something Calypso would wera, so i walked out of the room and thanked her. "oh no, those aren't my clothes. Those are Luna's." I guess i looked shocked because Calypso laughed at my expression. "She can have nice things, Lilly." I smiled and walked over to her. "Ready?" She asked. I nodded .

  The walk home was boring, but when we got to my house, i was bombarded with yells from the pack. Calypso stood there awkwardly. "Umm... I'm just going to... Uh go." She said, walking off down the road. I turned back to the furious faces of the pack. I smiled sheeplessly, and waved. "Hi." I said.

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