Chapter 6: Suffocating

Start from the beginning

(Y/n) pinched her chin and looked into the darkness thoughtfully. There was no way they were getting out of this closet besides the door, and in terms of distracting Sebastian, this was going to be difficult. But she could only come to one conclusion, and it was going to be close. 

"Ronald, I need you to listen to me very, very carefully..."


Neither Artemis nor Sebastian were looking very good at that point. They had gotten at least a dozen decent punches at each other, though neither were backing down. At that point, they had an audience, not only of the bar manager trying to get them to take it outside, but also other drunk bastards who were enjoying the show.

"Artemis! You idiot!" Juliet shouted over the drunken cheering that surrounded them, Grell standing beside her biting her bottom lip and cringing every time one of them took a good hit.
"Surely they can't go on for much longer," Grell exclaimed, resting her chin upon her dainty knuckles, "perhaps Bassy has finally found his match."

Suddenly, all the candles that'd been lit in the pub flickered out. Everyone was momentarily startled, but in that moment Sebastian could sense something familiar. 

It was his daughter. 

A figure came shooting through the dark, and in one swift movement, Sebastian went and pinned her to the wall. 

When he summoned the light of the candles to reappear, he thought he'd been successful in catching her. Though what he found pinned between his fingers and the wall was a torn piece of fabric. That of which, he recognised it's scent. And of course, it was her. 

In all of his anger, he couldn't control the way his eyes burned crimson, turning to face the small group of reapers before spinning back around and storming out of the pub.


From there, they just ran. Because they knew that that was what it was gonna take if they wanted to escape Sebastian's wrath and paternal instinct. 

"We need to get as far away from here as possible!" (Y/n) shouted as best she could over all the force of the wind that pushed against them as they ran at inhuman speed, hand in one another's so they wouldn't be separated. 
"Here! I know a place!" Ronald shouted back, (Y/n) falling back a little as she allowed him to take the lead. 

He lead her around the town, as to not draw attention to them. Though where he was taking her, that was the entire point. At the end of town was a small inn that looked as though it got no business, and that was Ronald's goal. As soon as they were in, the world around them changed. Ronald slowed to a steady walking pace and let go of (Y/n)'s hand.

"Stay behind me and hold onto my body. Keep close and quiet and keep your head down. I'll get us through here," he explained quickly in a whisper.

She didn't ask any questions, she just did as she was told. From Ronald's instructions, she figured she was in Reaper territory. Around her she heard footsteps and chatter, though that chatter was foggy and muted to her senses for whatever reason as she began to feel weaker than she usually would. Never in all of her years had she been in this territory, and it took all of her strength to remain on her feet. When she felt as though her knees were about to buckle and her legs were going to give way, the world around her changed again, and she felt all of her senses return to her though at the cost of her collapsing and breathing heavily.

"Woah, you alright there my dear?" Ronald asked, kneeling down in front of you and holding your trembling body, "I'm so sorry about that."
"I-I'm quite alright," she reassured him in a weak voice, regaining her composure once more, "just a little nauseated."
"Yeah, that's just the effects the reaper realm has on demons. It's a deliberate deterrent for your kind and I do apologise for that," he explained, brushing her over with his hands, "but in here, you're safe."

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