Chapter 8: Young, Dumb, and in Love

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A/N: Y'all i am literally the worst at updating my stories consistently T-T every time i start a new chapter i get bored, like bro i dont plan any of these stories theyre all like, make it up as i go stories so yeah, thats why all the updated are over the span of like three years lmfao. thank you for being patient with me though, i try to update these as often as i can. 

enjoy <3


It was torture having to wait a whole nother day just to see that man's pretty mug again. Not even doing all the house work would make her days go any faster. She hated to admit it, but she was bewitched - unfortunately, by her natural enemy. But it wasn't like it was something she could help. Just because she was a demon, didn't mean that she wasn't young and dumb. It was fun, and she liked the feeling it gave her whenever she was with him - like she was human, something that wears off with time but she knew she had ages before she became like that, like Sebastian. 

So she'd smile as she cut the thorns from her roses, preparing them for an arrangement at a dinner party her young master was to hold later that evening. And anyone in their right mind could see she was thinking of someone, and Sebastian was furious that he knew exactly who that someone was.

He wasn't an idiot, he knew that she was planning to see him when she went to run errands for the young master like she usually did. He promised he wouldn't smother her anymore, and he knew how much she enjoyed going to town even on her own terms, so he knew that telling her she couldn't would only cause problems for the time being. A compromise was in order, and he had just the thing which would prevent her from meeting her secret lover while he decided just how he was going to dispose of him. 

When that day would roll around, he would call the two gardeners inside from their morning watering, and he would lay their instructions onto them. 

"Now, (Y/n)," he addressed his daughter, clapping his hands together once, "when you leave to collect fresh produce for the young master's meals, I'd like you to take Finny with you."

(Y/n)'s face drooped a considerable amount, mostly in disappointment though she wasn't prepared to argue with him. 

"Tonight's dinner will be quite large, and of guests of considerably high status. Only the freshest produce will be acceptable for their meals," Sebastian explained, "which is why I'd like it if Finny went with you, to help carry the plentiful load."
"A-are you sure father? You know I'm plenty capable on my own-"
"I insist," he cut her off, that close-eyed smile of his radiating that warning of 'don't screw around and find out', "now run along dear, the two of you shall head into town on horseback. 

She didn't press any further as she had done in previous conflicts with him, instead nodding and doing as she was told. Sebastian had briefed Finny beforehand, not on the situation, but that he and (Y/n) were to stay together while completing these tasks. 

However, Sebastian did not raise an idiot. Unbeknownst to him, she had her own plan to get out of this, one that was sure to work given Finny's non-confrontational nature. 

So, on their way they went, the two gardeners into town via horseback like Sebastian had instructed them to. This took considerably longer than it usually would when (Y/n) simply went alone - two more hours than usual, to be precise. But again, she wasn't going to get back into the habit of arguing with her father. 

There was a bit of small talk and idle chatter on the way. Finny was obviously no stranger, he was one of her closest friends, and when they weren't speaking, the silence was still comfortable. 

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