Chapter 9: Red Wine

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It was under rare circumstances in which (Y/n) was required to wear a maid's uniform, considering she wasn't a maid at all, but instead a gardener. But this night was one of few where the guests were notably distinguished compared to Lord Phantomhive's regulars, such as Lao and his sister in law, or his fiancé Lady Elizabeth.

However, that night, Lord Phantomhive was having her majesty's butlers over, likely to discuss sensitive information on her majesty's behalf. (Y/n) didn't know very much about them, only that they wore silver uniforms and had a very distinctive appearance. Though admittedly, she wasn't thinking about the matter too hard. No, her mind was with Ronald, and seeing him that same night after this dinner party - or meeting, if you will.

Sebastian had noticed her change in behaviour, naturally. He asked Finny about how their trip went that afternoon, and was furious to hear that she had split from him and he had made barely an effort to try and keep her from disappearing with this awful man which had tainted his beautiful daughter. He was scolded, though not too harshly considering that Sebastian wasn't able to provide him with the full context, and he composed himself for the guests to come. He would deal with this after dinner.

As a carriage drew near the entrance, the servants of the Phantomhive manor lined the door, and Sebastian would be the one to open it, welcoming the two guests who were easily recognizable.

(Y/n) watched as the two men entered, barely acknowledging the servants or even Sebastian who was so kind to let them in. They both had fair skin, and silver hair, a symbol of their status and wealth while their uniforms were a symbol of their loyalty and servitude. They exuded an air of authority as they stepped into the grand foyer. Their presence demanded respect, and (Y/n) couldn't help but feel a mixture of intrigue and intimidation as she observed them from a distance.

Sebastian, ever the consummate butler, greeted the two men with a polite bow and guided them toward the dining hall where Lord Phantomhive awaited. Bardroy, Finny and Tanaka excused themselves as Sebastian directed Mey-rin and (Y/n) to follow himself and the guests toward the dining room.

Dinner had been prepared shortly beforehand, so everything was still hot and fresh from Bard's reckless yet efficient skills as the manor's chef.

The guests took their seats, and Mey-rin would pour the two men a glass of wine each while (Y/n) brought Lord Phantomhive the cup of tea he had requested. Then, Mey-rin was asked by Sebastian to leave the room, though (Y/n) was made to stay, likely to ensure that should Sebastian need the extra assistance, that he had someone on hand who wasn't forbidden from hearing certain sensitive information.

(Y/n) had come to learn the names of these two men: Charles Grey, and Charles Phipps. Supposedly, one of them was an Earl, while the other was a knight. It was peculiar to her to know that an Earl would practice something like servitude, though her majesty's case was certainly a special one that required the utmost skill, skill that she was certain he and the other man would reflect.

"Gentlemen," Lord Phantomhive began, after having greeted them with dinner from his end of the table, "I appreciate your presence here tonight. I presume this visit entails matters of utmost importance."
"Indeed," Lord Grey nodded, beginning to dig into his food, "we have come to discuss a matter that requires your immediate attention."
Charles Phipps, a man of few words but great loyalty, added, "the queen has received intelligence indicating the presence of a clandestine organization operating within the heart of London. They go by the name of 'The Silent Shadows,' and their activities pose a significant threat to national security."
"The Silent Shadows," Lord Phantomhive repeated, his voice laced with concern. "What do we know about their operations and their objectives?"
Lord Grey leaned forward, his voice low and intense.
"Their network spans across multiple criminal enterprises, involving smuggling, espionage, and even assassination attempts on key figures. Their ultimate goals remain elusive, but it is evident that they seek to undermine the stability of the crown."
"We suspect that there are traitors within the royal court aiding The Silent Shadows," Phipps continued, "their ability to operate undetected and gather sensitive information is alarming."
"I see," Lord Phantomhive nodded, his chin resting upon his ringed knuckle thoughtfully, his eyes focused on the two men. "This is a grave matter indeed. The safety and security of the crown must be upheld at all costs. I assume you have devised a plan to counteract the threat posed by The Silent Shadows?"

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