Chapter 4: Moonlight

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A/N: just wanted to clarify this all, the only reason that the reader doesn't completely turn her nose up at Ronald for the fact that he's a grim reaper is because Grell is also a grim reaper and he means a lot to her, since she believes that just because they're natural enemies, doesn't mean that Reapers are bad people. Anyways, carry on!


"Must you cover my eyes?"

"Yes, yes. It's part of the surprise."

(Y/n) sighed softly as she walked blindly with a pair of gloved hands over her eyes, since when they got to the edge of one of the many forests near town he insisted that he covered her eyes until they got to the destination he had organized. Part of her came to believe that he was leading her to her death, since they were natural enemies. But the other part of her ruled that out as a possibility, since he seemed like too much of a goofball to pull such an action.

Why am I here? He's a grim reaper, I'm a demon...Dad would kill me if he knew!

"Alright, I'm gonna uncover your eyes now but you gotta keep em' closed for a little longer," Ronald said, breaking the silence that resonated throughout the forest.
"I don't understand why," (Y/n) chided, crossing her arms at the feeling of the cold against them.
"Just trust me, alright?"
"For all I know, you're about to murder me."
"Oh hush, you. Where's your sense of wonder?"
"It's where my soul is. Non-existent."
"Gosh, there's no need to be so aloof, my dear."
"I'm a demon, it's what I do."

Ronald sighed softly as he uncovered her eyes, and even though (Y/n) wanted to open them purely because she had had enough of the boy dragging the occasion on, she kept them closed in the hopes that this would make the date pass easier. She was made to sit down on what felt like a picnic blanket, and she could feel the moon shining down on her pretty little face, bright, hard. She could already sense the cheesy cliche she was being subjected to, but she decided not to spoil it for him, it was clear he was used to taking out easier to impress ladies.

"Alright, you can open your eyes now," he said in a hushed voice, the lady opening her eyes only to feel a gush of wind come to her face.

(Y/n) found herself sat on the edge of a cliff - well, close to it anyways - and the soft sound of waves crashing against the shore below became evident. Ronald had brought her to the beach nearby, up on one of the peers that hung over it. She had to admit, he did a great job at picking the place for a first date, right where the moon could shine light upon them so that no candles were needed, not that they'd last the strong winds. The air smelled of salt, and the cold bit at her sides, but she didn't mind, all she could focus on was the breathtaking view of the water that stretched as far as the eye could see.

"So, what do ya think?" Ronald asked, snapping (Y/n) out of her short hypnosis.
"You know of nice places, I'll give you that much," she sighed, rubbing her bare arms against the cold as she looked back out over the water.
"You cold, love?" the blonde asked in reference to her constant rubbing, to which she returned her attention to the man.
"...A little, but I'm fine, really," she assured, her eyes turning to the side so she didn't have to look at him.

The shuffles of fabric caught her attention once more, and she found that the cause was Ronald shedding his coat, and she could already see what was happening next. Standing on his knees, he shuffled over to her, and wrapped the coat around her smaller figure, pulling it tight so that it didn't end up flying off, even though the wind was only mild.

"How many other women have worn this coat?" She asked, her slender fingers gripping the fabric where the buttons were and had to go.
"You'd be the first, I don't usually lend my coat to ladies. It feels like I'm really committing to something there," Ronald sighed, leaning back with his hands behind him.
"You say that as if commitment is something to be frightened of," (Y/n) noted, the man shrugging as he let his phosphor green eyes wonder out to the sea.
"It always has been for me. Women can be so fickle, it's scary," he began, falling slowly onto his back with his hands to cushion his head as he continued, "Mr Spears told me that personality traits and instincts are carried on throughout the transition of human to reaper. Perhaps commitment was what killed me as a human, what drove me to take my own life. Maybe that's why I'm so scared of the concept, I don't know..."

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