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Hey, everyone!

'When The Time Comes' is the first book out of two. With the twenty second chapter, the first part of the story has come to a close.

I am a University student and so, I have exams and some major submissions coming up. Therefore, I will not be able to publish the second book immediately as I am still working on it. Even if I do publish it soon, the updates might be slower than was the case with 'When The Time Comes'. 

Do bear with me through that.

But I would really appreciate it if you could leave some comments regrading how your reading experience has been so that I may work on any such feedback that I get. Considering that this is my first original work that I'm putting up for more than my close friends to read, I am a liiiiiittle bit anxious about how it has been received. Xl

Nevertheless, I would really like to thank everyone who has stayed with me through through this story. Stay safe and much love! <3

Part two will be out soon, so stay tuned~ XD

-Pia :)

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