Secret(s) Revealed?

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Hi! I want to quickly apologize for not updating, I've been busy with family issues (which also partly inspired me to write part of the story) but this one is just gonna be quick because I have to wake up at 7am and it's already 2:30am- uhm, yea😂
Anyways, hope you guys enjoy this part!
{Clay's POV}
He's lying...

When George answered me, he looked nervous. Which lead me to think he's not telling the truth.

I looked at him, "George"

He was looking at the floor but looked up, "yeah?"

I took a deep breath, "Are you lying?"


"Are you telling the truth," I asked "About the bruise?"

"Clay, I told you I-"

He got interrupted by a loud bang, which I noticed made him jump. I saw him look over at his door, as if someone was about to burst in and kill him. He looked so scared.

"George" I grabbed his attention again.

"Yeah, s-sorry"

I looked at his door and then back at him, I was gonna continue to ask about the bruise but this concerned me. Normally someone would go check what happened, in case someone got hurt. But George? No, he jumped, and looked petrified.

"What was that?" I asked, looking at him

I saw him gulp before answering, "I-I don't know"

I got up, walked over to him, grabbed his hand and pulled him back to his bed. He was clearly confused. I sat him down next to me, both of us making eye contact with each other.


Before I could say anything there was another loud bang, not as loud, this time as if someone was a giant walking around. Only the sounds were getting louder and closer. I looked at George, he seemed so scared.

"Clay-" he was now whispering "I need you to do me a favor"

"What?" I asked, whispering as well

"It sounds weird, but I need you to hind either in my closet or under my bed-"

"What?" I whisper shouted


I stayed silent, listening to the lumps get closer.

"Fine-" I said, getting up.

I heard him sigh, relieved, as I walked over to his closet. I squished myself in and closed the door. Luckily, he had one of those closets that had blinds like on windows. I opened them I bit so that I could see what happened. I saw him still sitting on the bed. Even though he sounded relieved when he sighed, he didn't look it.
{George's POV}
Once clay got in the closet I was relieved but still scared, knowing what was coming. I sat on my bed in silence listening to the footsteps coming towards my room. They came to a stop right before my door slammed open, causing me to jump and look up.

My dad.
523 words
I feel like I wanna leave this here and see how you guys react :3 it's also now 3:15am
So that's what I'm gonna do!!!! Anyways, sorry again for not uploading, I will work on the next part as soon as I can and post it. Till then, have fun waiting 😁

When I bumped into you // DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now