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AERYN TULLY covered his head with a cloak as he, his sister, and Raena all hid behind a stone wall, watching the chaos and bloodshed surrounding what was once a wedding

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AERYN TULLY covered his head with a cloak as he, his sister, and Raena all hid behind a stone wall, watching the chaos and bloodshed surrounding what was once a wedding. Aeryn did not know the fate of his oldeest sister, but he knew it could not possibly be a good one.

Bolton soldiers rounded the corner with a horse. Upon the horse was Robb's headless body, his direwolf's head in place of his own. The Bolton soldiers chanted once proud and triumphant words, now slandered. "The King in the North!"

Aeryn felt Aeva clutch onto his arm as she held onto a sobbing Raena. "We must go, Aeryn. Back to the Riverlands." She turned to Raena with a gentle smile. "Back home." Raena did not return that smile and only looked upon the grisly sight with fury, almost resembling a Targaryen.


RHAEVEN GREYJOY stood beside Jojen as Meera came rushing back to them

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RHAEVEN GREYJOY stood beside Jojen as Meera came rushing back to them. "It's empty." The Reed girl grinned making Rhaeven smile.

"Let's find a place to sleep." Meera headed off with the others following behind. Once inside, Rhaeven marveled at the castle that they could now call a home of sorts.

Hodor approached a well and called down grinning at the echo. He repeated the process bringing a gentle smile to Rhaeven's lips.

"Don't, Hodor." Bran spoke seriously and the sweet giant moved away from the structure. "Maybe we shouldn't stay here." Bran was looking at a block of wood that Rhaeven couldn't quite make out what it was.

"You'd rather be out there?" Meeta asked the boy while sharpening her knife. "There are lots of stories about this place. Horrible stories."

"I always quite liked the horrible stories." Rhaeven grinned as Jojen sat beside her gripping her hand.

"So did I." Rhaeven answered with a mysterious tone. "Once."

"You ever heard about the Rat Cook?" Bran asked the Reed siblings as they huddled around the fire. Rhaeven couldn't seem to keep warm and Jojen must have noticed. He draped his arm around the girl's freezing form and she inched closer to him for warmth, of course.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2021 ⏰

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