the old gods and the new

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RHAEVEN GREYJOY had been back in Winterfell for nearly a month and Theon had attacked it

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RHAEVEN GREYJOY had been back in Winterfell for nearly a month and Theon had attacked it. She had been held at swordpoint by her brother who seemed to hold no ounce of regret for what he had done. Rhaeven stood beside a wildling she had come to know as Osha and as a friend during the past weeks back in Winterfell. "I've yielded Winterfell to Theon." Little Bran Stark, the current Lord of Winterfell spoke softly as he adressed his people glumly.

"Louder." Rhaeven once thought that she could never hate her brother and now what she had once thought to be true was in fact a lie. "Say Prince Theon."

"I've yielded Winterfell to Prince Theon." Bran corrected himself still with a frown on his face.

"You all know me." Theon announced as he stepped forward as the Northerners began to murmur amongst themselves.

"Aye," A townsperson Rhaeven knew as Farlen spoke distastefully. "We know you for a steaming sack of shit." Farlen's logic was sound in Rhaeven's mind, but she chose to remain silent.

"Farlen, you be silent." Bran stared at the man emotionlessly and the man fell silent obeying his Lord's command.

"Listen to your little Lord, Farlen. He has more sense than you do." And Farlen has more sense than Theon does, Rhaeven thought to herself.

"All of you should do as he commands." Rhaeven could tell that Theon had instructed Bran to say all he had said and more.

"My father has donned the ancient crown of Salt and Rock and declared himself King of the Iron Islands. He claims the North as well by right of conquest." Rhaeven swallowed as she took in this information. She felt a hand skip into hers and knew it was little Rickon Stark. "You are all his subjects."

Farlen clearly hadn't learned his lesson the first time and spoke up again. "Bugger that. I serve the Starks. If you think you can hold the North with it-" Farlen was cut off by a blow to the head carried out by a Iron Islander soldier. Rhaeven flinched as spared a glance at Osha who looked on with a frown.

"If you serve me as loyally as you served Ned Stark, I will be as good to you as he ever was." Rhaeven watched as Farlen was helped from the ground by a woman Rhaeven presumed to be his wife. "Betray me, and you will wish you hadn't. Maester Luwin, send a raven to Pyke informing my father of my victory here. And one to Deepwood Motte to my sister, Yara. Inform her that she is to bring five-hundred men to Winterfell." Maester Luwin had not moved from his spot. "You are a maester of the Citadel, sworn to serve the Lord of Winterfell, are you not?"

"I am."

"I am the Lord of Winterfell as Bran just informed you." Rhaeven and Bran made eye contact and Rhaeven looked away at Maester Luwin and nodded reassuringly. "Send the ravens."

"My lord." Luwin spared a glance at Rhaeven before leaving to send the ravens. Osha stepped forward causing Rhaeven to look at her in shock.

"My Lord Greyjoy."

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