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TORIA BARATHEON stood on the sidelines as her grandfather rode into the Throne Room mounted on his horse

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TORIA BARATHEON stood on the sidelines as her grandfather rode into the Throne Room mounted on his horse. "I, Joffrey of the House Baratheon, first of my name, the rightful King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, do hereby proclaim my grandfather, Tywin Lannister, the Savior of the city and the Hand of the King."

Tywin merely looked at the Hand pin and nodded in simple thanks. "Thank you, Your Grace." He sent a nod to his daughters and turned his horse around to trot away.

"Lord Petyr Baelish, step forward." Petyr Baelish stepped away from Annalys, Margaery, and Loras Tyrell to bow before the King. "For your good service and ingenuity in uniting pf Lannister and Tyrell, I declare that you shall be granted the castle of Harrenhal with all its attended lands and incomes to be held by your sons and grandsons from this day until the end of time."

"You honor me beyond words, Your Grace." Lord Baelish raised himself to his feet. "I shall have to acquire some sons and grandsons." Lord Baelish stepped back into line with the Tyrells.

"Ser Loras Tyrell." Margaery and Annalys looked at their brother with pride as he bowed before the King. "Your House had come to our aid. The whole realm is in your debt, none more so than I. If your family would ask anything of me, ask it, and it shall be yours."

"Your Grace," The Tyrell boy began still kneeling. "My sister, Margaery, her husband was taken from us before. She remains innocent. I would ask you tk find it in your heart to do us the great honor of joining our Houses."

A great uproar rose in the crowds and Joffrey sought out Toria's eyes with panic. She nodded softly with a small smile. Joffrey turned back to the Tyrells. "Is this what you want, Lady Margaery?"

Toria watched as Margaery Tyrell stepped forward to address the King. "With all my heart, Your Grace." Toria took notice of her flirty demeanor and plunging neckline, accentuating her features. "I have come to love you from afar. Tales of your courage and wisdom have never been far from my ears and those tales have taken root deep inside of me."

Toria watched as her older brother fidgeted in his seat gazing at the Tyrell beauty. "I, too, have heard tales of your beauty and grace, but the tales do not do you justice, my Lady. It would be an honor to return your love, but I am promised to another. A King must keep his word."

"Your Grace," Toria watched her brother turn to listen to their mother's counsel. "In the judgement of your Small Council, it would be neither proper nor wise for you to wed the daughter of a man beheaded for treason, a girl whose brother is in open rebellion against the Throne as we speak." Chatter emerged around the Throne Room as most eyes went to Sansa. "For the good of the realm, your councilors beg you to set Sansa Stark aside."

Chatter began to sound throughout the room this time louder than the first. Toria watched as Joffrey stood from the Throne and raised his hand to silence the Court. "I would like to heed your wishes and the wishes of my people, but I took a holy vow."

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