the rains of castamere

Beginne am Anfang

"There's a storm coming." Jojen spoke up and Rhaeven instantly perked up.

"Storm?" Rhaeven shivered from both the cold and her fear of storms.

"I don't see anything-" Bran was cut off by a roll of thunder. Rhaeven instinctively grabbed a hold of Jojen's hand in fear.

"It's a good of place of shelter as any." Meeta said looking back at the tower.

"We can drink some blood while we wait." Osha teased Rickon as she held him closer to her side. "I don't eat much."


AEVA TULLY stood beside her sister as they watched Walder Frey walk his daughter down towards her soon-to-be husband

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AEVA TULLY stood beside her sister as they watched Walder Frey walk his daughter down towards her soon-to-be husband. Aeva glanced down the row to see Talisa standing by Robb instead of Raena. Raena was smarter than Aeva gave her credit for and she had no shame in admitting it. Walder Frey uncovered his daughter's face for Edmure to see.

The girl was a beauty, especially in Frey standards. Edmure's facial expression had changed immediately after seeing his betrothed. The girl, who Aeva recognized as Roslin, bowed before her betrothed. "Lord Edmure, I hope I'm not a disappointment to you."

Edmure merely scoffed in response before helping his bride stand. Aeva smiled in response hoping for a future as good as this for herself one day. "You're a delight to me, Milady." Roslin smiled softly at the man. It was clear the poor girl was terrified.

"You may now cloak the bride and bring her under your protection." The Septon told Edmure who did just that with a simple look at his sisters and brother. Aeva crinkled her nose with a playful smirk directed towards her brother.

The bride and groom turned to join hands for a ribbon to be placed over it. "In the sight of the Seven, I hereby seal these two souls binding them as one for eternity. Look upon each other and say the words."

Roslin and Edmure turned to each other to speak. "Father, Smith, Warrior,  Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger."

"I am hers and she is mine from this day until the end of my days."

"I am his and he is mine from this day until the end of my days."

" ******

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DRACARYS: game of thrones seasons 1-8 (on hold)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt