Uma Halloween art + story

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here the little story i came up with


Not all kingdoms are like Auradon, some are stuck in the past, accusing those less fortunate and odd of witchcraft, and sending them to death if found guilty.

It was unfortunate for Auradon to be invaded by one of these kingdoms.

Uma woke to the sounds of screams and fire, explosions booming behind her.

She rushed out of her room, the water surrounding the ship and the clouds above beginning to groan and churn, reacting to her wild emotions.

Her eyes caught a ship with the flag of the invading kingdom, and she sent her hand out, gritting her teeth as water cycled within the water and rocketed towards the ship, destroying it into millions of pieces.

She heard the yells and panic of the crew and she turned, gasping as Bonnie fell to the floor, clutching her side.

A large man grinned down at her, muttering something about how girls shouldn't fight like men.

He turned to her, eyes widening in horror as Umas eyes glowed with rage, her necklace echoing with her, the sea crashed behind her, bending to her will.

"WITCH" the man cried, fear building in his eyes as he turned to run, but to no avail.

Uma reached out her wand, a tendril of water following her movements and wrapping around the man's ankle, pulling him to the ground and towards her.

"no-no! stay back, you devil!"

She created a sword in her palm, about to slash down on the man.

When everything went black.

Uma doesn't remember much after that.

She remembers someone screaming her name.

She remembers the roars of a dragon before it screamed in pain as it hit the water.

She remembers multiple screaming voices, pure vile, and hatred in their voices, all screaming horrific names at her.

She remembers a cold, dark, damp cell that smelled worse than the trash heap on the isle.

She remembered the pain as someone grabbed her and took her, leading to pain in her hands, feet, back, neck, and head.

She remembered the pain around her arms and legs, the fibers rubbing against her skin.

She remembered heat licking on her heels, traveling up her legs.

She remembers her throat hurting from her screams as the heat intensified and her skin bubbled and cracked.

She remembers the pain becoming too much, and she blacked out, waking up to hear a soft voice cooing above her, telling her that no one would be able to hurt her again.

She woke up on an empty beach, confused and scared.

She slowly walked around, hands close to her chest, and magic thrumming through her veins.

She gasped in fright as low sobs reached her ears.

It was coming from behind the rock ahead of her.

She slowly walked toward the sound, her shoulders dropping as she peered around the rock.

There sat Harry, laying on the sandy ground, face buried in his hands as he sobbed into his hands.

"uma" he cried, a slight scream breaking from his lips "im sorry"

She shook her head "what are you sorry for?" he didn't respond to her, consumed by his grief.

"Harry?" Uma called, furrowing her brows as Harry continued to be in his little world. "Harry!" Uma yelled, walking over to Harry and kneeling next to him, smacking his shoulder.

She gasped as her hand went straight through him, she stumbled back, landing on her butt, staring at her hand in horror.

Why couldn't she touch him?!

Someone walked up behind her, and she spun around, gasping as Gil walked through her body and dropped to his knees next to Harry's convulsing body.

"Harry" Gil muttered, rubbing the sobbing teen's shoulder "come on, Uma wouldn't want you to waste away here"

"she's gone Gil" Harry sobbed, turning his red-rimmed eyes to Gil "shes gone and I couldn't do a thing ta stop it"

Uma was struck with the horrible realization that she was gone....dead...

Uma stood up, her breath becoming rapid and she felt non-existent bile rise in her throat.

She couldn't bear to watch as Gil wrenched Harry up from his fetal position on the floor and drag him away from the short, Uma gasped, slowly kneeling back down to grab the small golden shell that lie on the sandy ground.

Her necklace.

It was covered in blood (HER blood) and cracked in multiple places, she felt tears slip from her cheeks, gasping as droplets of blood hit her arm and dribbled down onto the ground.

She touched her cheek gasping as she drew her fingers away to see them covered in blood.

She was crying...blood?!

Something flashed in her mind, a cruel smile of a king who didn't deserve his throne.

....the Kingdom of Ilsemore...

They did this to her.

Uma felt rage bubble in her gut, and she let out a scream.

Thunder crackled across the clouds, the sea suddenly raging with her.

The skies went dark. Uma's rage festering in the oceans and seas that surrounded Auradon.

They would regret taking the life of a sea witch.


Tales of a young woman walking across the waves traveled through the sailors and children of Ilsemore, her hypnotic voice and glowing necklace captivating sailors and drowning them, their bodies showing up on shore, blood dripping from their eyes.

Children recounted her as a gentle spirit, guiding them back towards their homes with soft songs and kind words.

When the king heard these tales he demanded to be taken to the shore where the spirit had been seen the most.

The guards had lost sight of their king, only to find him in a burnt tree, his hands and feet bound, his body gaunt and grey, as if his soul had been sucked from him, popped boils and melted skin disgusted the guards, sending them running from the putrid smell.

Uma cackled with glee as she stared down at the small puny soul of the king that cowered in her hands.

She glanced around her mother's old lair, souls of the jury that sentenced her to death lining the walls, all trapped in small bottles for eternity

Never anger a sea goddess.

For it may be the last thing you do.


sooo theres that....hope its good lol

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