Harry Hook Halloween art + story

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TW: Blood on face and hook

was kind of mentally going with a story of some sort like:

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was kind of mentally going with a story of some sort like:

Harry succumbs to some sort of curse in his dads bloodline that causes madness and he snaps one day and just kills someone(could be his dad, or anyone), and discovers he LIKES it, he keeps it well hidden from Uma and the crew, but when the urge rises he stalks' the alley's of the isle, killing anyone he comes across. he does his best to keep away from the younglings of the isle but sometimes he blacks out and comes to, standing over the mutilated body of a child.

one part of him is horrified and wants to cry, the other part of him, consumed by the curse, laughs in glee, wanting to sink his hook into another throat.

he manages to keep his madness hidden, until they reach Auradon, he kept his urges down as long as he could, but one night, as he's heaving over the toilet, he blacks out, his vision turning crimson red. flashes of that night echo in his mind.

he remembers looking into the bathroom mirror. and his eyes-HIS EYES-, no longer the ocean blue he's known since he was a child, but a bright, glowing scarlet red.

and for the first time since he almost hurt Uma when he was a child, he was afraid of himself.

he wakes up in the enchanted forest, his arms, face, and hook covered in dried blood.

he cries and throws up, knowing he had killed again. he slowly gets to his feet and looks around for a lake to wash off.

hours later he returns to Auradon prep, where he finds an extremely worried Uma running around the property. when she sees him she cries in relief, running towards him.

he doesn't move when she hugs him, she babbles about several bodies that were found deep in the enchanted forest by Robin Hoods men, all mutilated and their intestines pulled out, they were all unrecognizable.

many think Captain Hook had returned, the experts on the case mentioning the wounds were from a curved weapon, short and sharp.

Harry slowly pulls away from Uma, tears slipping down his face.

"Harry?" Uma asks, reaching up to cup his jaw, but he flinches away "what's wrong?"

"i did it" Harry whispers, gritting his teeth together "i-i killed em"

Uma's eyes widen and she shakes her head in defiance "impossible you-"

Harry looks into her eyes, and he knows as she gasps in fear, his eyes are red and glowing "i didn't want to" he whimpers "i-i-i don't remember any of it, i think-i think" he breaks down, falling to his knees, his hook dropping on the ground with a loud clang.

"Uma I'm scared" he cries, burying his face in his hands "i tried to stop myself, i tried to stop it, but it took over, i couldn't stop"

Uma kneels next to him, and tries to hug him but he reels back, falling down "DONT!" Uma stares at him with wide eyes, fear hidden behind them. "i-i don't want to hurt you"

"you wont" Uma reassures, but she didn't sound as if she believed it "how long-"

"i don't-" Harry stuttered, eyes looking at his clean hands, the blood still staining his mind "-i don't remember, we were on the isle, that's all i remember, Uma i-i" he dry heaved, leaning forward, tears dropping to the ground "i killed a child Uma, i fucking killed a child!"

Uma doesn't want to believe it, but she remembers the child that had been found hidden behind the trash cans in a hidden ally, their body almost unrecognizable.

the child's death had been quick, but painful.

she remembered the rumors of Captain Hook snapping and killing a child that looked like Wendy.

but Hook was long dead, rumored to be killed by his son after years of abuse, so that left one person.

her oldest friend who was crumbled on the ground, sobbing.

Uma couldn't stand to watch her friend be imprisoned after only two months of true freedom.

so she helped him escape Auradon, enchanting a special necklace for him to take so he could keep in contact with her, she had also secretly enchanted it with a curse block to hopefully stop what was happening with her best friend.

by the time the Auradon guard figured out who had murdered the several victims, Harry Hook was long gone.

and unfortunately for them, Uma was an incredible liar.


woooo didn't expect that to turn into a full on story, was just gonna write "Harry as a madness curse passed down from Hook and kills one or two people"

anyway, hoped ya'll enjoyed that

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