Harriet Hook; the tired bitch who deserves a break from raising everyone

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i have always Headcanoned that Harriet is like, legit the oldest vk on the isle, like straight up the first born vk

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i have always Headcanoned that Harriet is like, legit the oldest vk on the isle, like straight up the first born vk. and because of this, once she was old enough to scowl at someone, babysitted fucking allllll the big bads kids. she's everyone's mom. everyone respects her, even Mal (when she was on the isle) didn't fuck with her (Harriet held Mal by the ankle when she tried to snatch Harriet's pocket watch one time, she never tried to steal something off of Harriet again) so she's fucking tired after 19 years of taking care of everyone. she needs a nap and three energy drinks thank you very much

its widely known across the isle that if you fuck with Harriet you are either going to have every single vk after your ass or your funeral planned because Harriet's going to fucking kill someone.

she's REAL protective of her baby brother and sister, and while most of the time she hides it (to protect them even further because on the isle fondness is weakness), she will go mama bear mode if you even lay a finger on her siblings. (someone did try to hold them for ransom when Harriet was 12 and...well that person was never seen again)

the Smee twins are just, soooo damn attached to her (their favorite is Harry but Harriet's a close second with CJ being the "fun one" aka the one that lets them blow shit up (harry does too but he wont let them light the stuff up))

at some point EVERYONE had a crush on her (well minus two people, Harry and CJ + most of the adults.) the only one she acknowledged was Ginny Gothel and they had a fling for a bit before they split. (Evie also had a crush on the buff ass-tall ass pirate girl but it never went anywhere because Evie only saw her around a couple times after she was let out of banishment then she was shipped off to Auradon)

Harriet is tol, like TOL. Harry is six feet? Harriet is 6ft 2. Harry hates this, Harriet can still pick him up so she likes to do that and coo at him like she did when he was younger. Harry always says he hates it and its super embarrassing but deep down he likes being held by his big sister. CJ and the twins use her like a jungle gym, she says she hates it but she never stops this.

Harriet's eyes flash red just like her fathers, Harrys, and CJs do when she gets pissed. they have only turned red (aka stayed red after they flashed) three times in her isle life. once when James almost killed Harry and she shoved him into the wall and broke his leg. twice when someone took Harry for ransom, and the third when someone tried to r*pe her and she killed them (no one tried to touch her again after that, along with anybody under her protection)

Harriet was born in September, September 12th to be exact, so she's a Virgo.

Harriet has sacrificed eating and a comfortable sleep to make sure Harry and CJ got a satisfied belly and warm bed multiple times before, she was both relived and sad when Harry got his own apartment and started getting regular meals at Ursula's chip shop and CJ moved in with Freddie and conned enough money to get her own food easily.

she approves of Uma but she sometimes misses the days where Harry would follow her around like a duckling.

she's Bi with a preference for women (she still has one-nighters with Ginny)

she is the only girl on the isle that the Gaston twins will listen to (she's fucking scary guys, and she has kicked their asses multiple times to make them listen)

she has her own ship that used to belong to her dad but she won a bet with him and just took it. its called 'The Scarlet Maiden'

her crew is made up of mostly older vks, all younger than her of course but still older vks, Sammy Smee is her first mate.

uhhh das all i got for Harriet heh. 

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